Just look what the democrats want to do in Delaware despite all the cons there are and little pros available to support it.
Yesterday (6/14/12) a bill was introduced in the Delaware House of Representatives by Democrat members of the House and Senate to socialize healthcare in the State of Delaware. On the surface, it is still just a bill as it was only just introduced yesterday.
However, in Delaware we have one party rule with almost no Republican opposition. Delaware currently has a Democrat Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, State Treasurer, Super Majority in the State Senate, Majority in the State House of Representatives, and our entire Federal Delegation to the Federal Government are Democrats as well.
If the Democrat party in Delaware wants to push legislation, there is really nothing that can stop them.
Unfortunately for us, they just introduced the cradle to grave Single Payer Healthcare system for Delaware. House Bill 392 of the 146th General Assembly of the State of Delaware (link: http://www.legis.delaware.gov/LIS/LIS146.NSF/vwLegislation/HB+392?Opendocument) is the full name of the bill.
Line 40 on page 2 of the 17 page bill states:
“The General Assembly finds and declares that enacting a single payer, non-government run Delaware Health Security Act will guarantee comprehensive, quality health care coverage for all Delawareans from the moment of conception until one's last breath is taken.”
Gosh, it it were non-government, why are the democrats legislating it?
Also, It’s interesting that here the Democrats are defining life starting at the moment of conception in terms of Socialized Healthcare, yet they run fleeing from that definition when it comes to abortion.
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