Last night I was seriously thinking about writing an article about the “OWS” groups. You know, the ones who have disgraced our flag by defecating on it, disrespected the police by defecating on their cars, the ones raping women, the ones leaving their bodily excretions and personal belongings in public places without any effort to clean up behind them, the ones whose parents spoiled them so badly that they revolted against them as elites and trotted out of their homes to show others that they are independent and knowledgeable of the ways of the world, the ones who have no idea why they are out protesting, the ones who are supported by Obama, Pelosi, Reid and most democrats tugging on the coat tails of their potus, and the ones who expect to get the same gifts and praise from the rest of America that their parents bestowed upon them. But I digress!
Instead, I thought 2 pictures were worth 2000 words:
E'nuf Said On This Topic!
If these are the 99%, America is in dire straits ! P.S.: Please tell me what "adequate mental healthcare" these "poor souls" need!
Maybe, not associating with the people who look like them would be a start!
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