This pathetic money grubbing excuse for a Commander-in-Chief failed to commemorate D-Day today in favor of hitting a handful of adoring and fondling fundraisers in California.
Nope, it’s not your imagination: President Barack Obama is spending a whole lot of time fundraising, perhaps more than any incumbent president in history.
Including this week’s trip to California, he will have spent eight of 24 weekdays during the past month — that’s a third of them — on the road and collecting cash.
And, what happens to this money if he doesn't spend it all?? Have you ever thought of this? Does he keep it for himself? Where does it go? I'll bet the donors will never know!
His event Thursday morning will mark his 153rd fundraiser since announcing his reelection bid last year. That’s nearly double the number that his predecessor George W. Bush had attended by this point in his reelection campaign, according to CBS’s Mark Knoller, who put 43’s early June number at 79.
An this impostor complains bitterly about the congress doing nothing for America!! Also, remember that he is flying Air Force 1 and bringing along all the Secret Service agents and his minion entourage of butt kissing suck-ups with him on the taxpayers nickel that is adding up to be one helluva chunk of change. Maybe, this is the change Obama has been talking about:
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