A former Justice Department attorney says purely political considerations have motivated the DOJ to order the state of Florida to stop purging foreigners from its voter rolls.
Recently the State of Florida discovered 53,000 dead people registered to vote. Florida also found non-citizens on the voter rolls, and Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner began the process of removing them. But the DOJ sent a letter to Detzner ordering him to stop. The DOJ has not Constitutional Control over any State!
J. Christian Adams is the former Justice Department Attorney who worked in the DOJ Voting Section and now writes for PJ Media. He says the Justice Department’s request is way beyond the power of the federal government.
Holder and his Obama groupies are doing everything they can to steal the 2012 election!
It is up to us to see they don't
Please write your representatives everyday voicing your outrage that the DOJ tell Florida to stop purging old and irregular names from their voting rolls.
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