Is it just me or are there any Americans who are absolutely fed up with our representatives in congress. They continue to amaze Americans with the legality of their errant ways, and there never seems to be an end to it.
It is legal for any congressman to use insider information and trade stocks in order to become rich and more richer every day.
It is legal to place 6 far right democrats and 6 totally right leaning republicans, each group having diametrically opposed views of how government should function, and then expect them to come to a consensus of opinion and do it in a nanosecond of time.
It is legal for the majority leader of the Senate to just not allow any legislation to voted on that he does not desire.
It is absolutely legal for a politician in high office to lie.
It is legal for any of his staff to lie.
It is legal for a politician in high office to publish any fraudulent material he desires.
It is legal for a politician to lie to grand jury and never be prosecuted.
It is legal for a vice-president to lie almost ever time he speaks
It is legal to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny being a foreigner
It is legal to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny being a foreigner
It is legal for a politician in high office to secure all information about oneself and his past history.
It is absolutely legal for one man to call a moratorium on drilling for oil in the US.
It is legal for one man to put off the Keystone oil pipe line until after the 2012 elections when all environmental studies on this issue have stated over the last 3 years that there is no environmental impact at all.
It is legal for a politician in high office to fly around the country campaigning and using US tax payer's money to do so.
It is legal to have a conference on openness and transparency behind closed doors.
It is legal for a politician to repay his donors with legislation that favors them.
It is legal to denigrate an opposing candidate with facts that are not true and get away with out being brought up on charges of defamation.
It is legal for the mainstream media to lie and carry water for the democrats and bash Republicans
It is legal for certain television stations and newspapers to print lies.
It is legal for NBC to vilify Michele Bachman with music titled with curse words
It is legal for a politician in high office to call Americans “lazy” and “soft” “unimaginative”without backing it up.
It is legal for a politician in high office to bash and apologize for his country.
It is legal for a politician in high office to bow to foreign leaders, an act never chosen by any other president.
It is legal for a congressman to stand up in the House and verbalize vile and disgusting statements such as, “Republicans wants old people to die” and for a politician in high office to say, “Republicans want dirty water and dirty air.”
It is legal for a politician in high office to say, “[This bill] will necessarily cause gas prices to skyrocket.”
It is legal for the speaker of the House to say, “You have to pass the bill to see what's in it” with a straight face and mean it
It is legal for a presidential candidate to promise total support for the SEIU on the campaign trail.
It is legal for the federal government to sue states whose laws mirror federal laws.
It is legal to appoint “Devout Muslims” to the Department of Homeland Security but no one has ever been appointed as a “Devout” Catholic, Jew, or Hindu
It is legal for a politician in high office to leave the country while his Super Committee fails to compromise
It is legal for the president to state that the Republicans on the Super committee were at fault but, no, not the democrats, Kerry, Murray, Clyburn, etc.
Also, It is legal for the EPA to raise MPG regulations to 54 without Congress' input thereby increasing the cost of a new car by $3100. And It is legal to seal the records of how Mexican drug smugglers murdered a border agent. And It is now legal for unions to gather recall signatures during Christmas parades, school Christmas pageants, and community Christmas get togethers. IF ALL OF THESE ARE LEGAL, JUST THINK OF WHAT ELSE IN THE GOVERNMENT IS ILLEGAL! |
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