In the last several decades there have been several hundred acts of violence carried out by the so-called religion of peace. The news is rife with reports of Islamic suicide bombers and Muslim attacks on Christians and even against their own people. No other example stands out more than 9-11 when Islamic terrorists killed more than 3,000 people in the World Trade Center towers, Pentagon and those on board the flight that went down in Pennsylvania.
Then I read where Muslims are trying to convince Americans that they are a religion of peace and we have nothing to fear from them. They hold conferences and go on talk radio and television preaching peace and how they have so much to offer our society.
Yet, I open up the news to read that a Muslim suicide bomber attacks a church in northern Nigeria killing 15 and wounding another 40. In Egypt, Muslims attacked and burned a Christian church and the Egyptian courts sentenced a 17 year old Christian to 3 years in prison for a cartoon he posted on Facebook. Iran sentences a Christian pastor to death because he converted from Islam. A Pennsylvania judge tells the victim of a beating that he deserved it because he insulted Islam.
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