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Obama's Credentials

  Obama's Credentials To be President:

1. Mentored by Communist Party Member Frank Davis and 
2. Consorted with Marxist professors, Black Panthers, trial lawyers, union bosses, hippie peaceniks, anti-Christian atheists, militant homosexual agitators, radical pro-abortion feminists, gun grabbers, amnesty zealots, 
Chi-Com sympathizers, globalists who worship at the altar of the UN, and environmentalist wackos, and is a card carrying New Party member.
3. Hung out with terrorists such as Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers 
4. Attended conferences" at Cooper Union learning his redistribution-based economics theory from 
law professors at Harvard, 
5. Followed in the footsteps of Saul Alinsky to become a Chicago-based community organizer, 
6. Said Amen to the vile, anti-America, anti-Whitey, anti-Semitic, and black liberation theology spewed by Reverend Jeremiah Wright, 
7. And supported the NAACP, the ACLU, the NEA, EPA, and ACORN
8. Spent the last 3.5 years growing big government and spending money
9. Has taken an arrogant and deceptive attitude toward the Constitution
10. Has alienated our allies and tried to appease our enemies.
11. Has kept his entire past a secret and spent over $1M to do so.
12. Can not show a birth certificate proving he was born here.
13. Is using another's Social Security number
14. Believes there are 58 states in the union
15. Has stated freely he was born in Kenya.
16. Has stood by Eric Holder who is responsible for killing a border patrol officer.
17. Has leaked vital secrets from the White House
18. Has Okayed the EPA's job killing regulations
19. Has thrown away taxpayer money on failed green programs and solar and wind projects
20. Has outrightly supported unions and their thuggery.
21. He is suing Florida and Arizona instead of supporting them
22. He speaks to the Russians in secret and offers them deals when he is re-elected
23. His moratorium on drilling has caused gas prices to remain above $4 in certain areas of America, but welcomes and supports Brazilian oil production
24. He thinks the "private sector" is doing just fine!
25. Believes in wealth distribution
26. Believes spending money will keep America from bankruptcy including failed Stimulus Money.

                                           AND AMERICANS WANTED THIS MAN PRESIDENT IN 2008???

                                   Is it possible that Americans still want this man for another 4 years?

                                                  Unfortunately, the answer is yes. I have said, 
  "If you continually rob Peter to pay Paul you can ALWAYS rely on the support of Paul!!

The Americans with Entitlement Addiction will not want to be cut off from the suckling tit of the government as long as the government continues to dole out financial and other benefits to them. These benefits, once meant to truly help the helpless, are now feeding the crack cocaine- like addictions of the entitlement society, so large that if they are physically able to drag themselves away from the government sponsored welfare syringes of ever expanding benefits without paying for them, 
they will vote for Obama in 2012.

It is absolutely imperative that every American not involved in this addictive cult of entitlements register to vote and vote in November 2012. Your life and the lives you expect your children and grandchildren to lead  WILL BE AFFECTED BY THIS 2012 ELECTION

                     This is not your typical "get out the Vote" propaganda, folks. This is the real deal.

Grab anyone and everyone you know or run into and ask them if they have registered to vote and enlighten them as to the destructive forces out to crush their families lives for generations to come. 

This is not the time to be passive. Don't think the socialists, the Marxists, the environmentalists, and the union bosses will sit back and do nothing this election cycle. 

They will be out in force, bullying, prodding, pushing their vile agenda to retain and grab more power over the American people. 

Either we represent our liberties, freedom, and the Constitution this November 2012, or THEY WILL BE GONE!!
