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The GOP Establishment Is Not On Our Side

"The Democratic party is the party of secular liberals, and they present a coherent worldview of government, and growing government, as the solution to every problem—and the means by which to impose those solutions on the rest of society. Establishment Republicans, on the other hand, are not the conservative party. Establishment Republicans do not offer a coherent conservative worldview as an alternative to the Democrats’ secular liberal worldview; they pursue policies that are “Democratslite,” and they govern as “dime store Democrats,” simply growing government at a slightly slower pace. Consequently, the abusive bureaucracies and extra-constitutional rules and regulations, which establishment Republicans either support or to which they offer little or no opposition, have continued to grow.

Moreover, the GOP establishment has been complicit in one of the worst abuses Washington’s insiders have perpetrated on America’s taxpayers—the Democrats’ decades-long program that has wasted tens of billions of taxpayer dollars on slush funds for left-wing causes such as NPR, Public TV, Legal Services Corp., Planned Parenthood, radical environmentalism, homosexual and ethnic advocacy groups such as La Raza, and the various ACORN clones of the Left, that so offend conservatives and are committed to defeating Republicans and advancing a far-Left agenda.

Far from shrinking government, whenever they have been in power establishment Republicans have contributed to the growth of government. The GOP leadership can’t hide behind the excuse that they only control one-half of one branch of government—Republicans now have the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate, and funding for Planned Parenthood is still in the budget because they were simply not prepared to go to war to defund it.

Until we conservatives control the Republican Party and nominate conservative candidates who will actually fight for and govern according to the conservative principles the party stands for, there will be no coherent alternative to the Democrats’ Big Government worldview presented to the voters, and little likelihood that we conservatives will achieve our goal of governing America according to conservative principles." Richard Viguerie
