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I would like to take this time to show America how insane we have gotten with political correctness. It is the bain of our existence. everything is based on this inane philosophy that people are tongue-tied with a furrowed brow and wringing hands. No one in the future will be able to communicate for fear of offending someone or something. This is a sickness and here are 11 reasons for it compiled by Kathryn Timpf:
  1. It was declared “cultural appropriation” for a white woman to wear hoop earrings at Pitzer College.
  2. Berkeley students claimed they did not have enough “privilege” to take their exam in class.
  3. Evergreen State College told professors to take students’ feelings into account when grading them.
  4. Certain kinds of eyebrows were deemed “cultural appropriation” at LSU.
  5. The size of chairs was declared a “microaggression” against the overweight at The New School, a private college in New York City.
  6. A city councilman was concerned that hosing poop-covered sidewalks might be culturally insensitive in Seattle “because it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists.”
  7. The University of Arizona hired students, “social-justice activists,” to tattle on each other.
  8. A British student union tried to ban clapping and cheering because it was not inclusive to deaf people. The instructed participants to use “jazz hands” instead — as if they don’t even realize how exclusive that could be for blind people.
  9. Expecting people to be on time was declared “culturally insensitive” at Clemson University because “time may be more fluid in other cultures?”
  10. Authors were hiring “sensitivity readers” to problematic-proof their novels to make sure that they don’t portray fictional characters from other communities in an inaccurate way.
  11. A social-justice math class taught participants how “math has been used as a dehumanizing tool.” If you can find any rational and logical reasoning behind any of these, you may just want to check into the nearest psych ward for another year's session.
