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Stop DACA Now!

"What all of these pleas for legislation to grant blanket amnesty to 800,000 or more illegal aliens have in common is a complete contempt for the American worker, their quality of life and future prospects.

Moreover, the real goal of this effort is not to merely grant some humanitarian-motivated relief to current DACA beneficiaries, it is to advance the ultimate goal of changing the United States into an open borders globalist econometric society stripped of any of the of the trappings of nationhood or American exceptionalism.

[Multi-culturism is not diversity. It creates sections throughout America of unassimilated groups of people who are bent on establishing their old foreign communities physically right here in America and then defend it against American liberties, freedoms, and principles.]

The DACA fight isn’t about humanitarian relief for some unknown universe of illegal aliens, it is about preserving the promises made to American citizens in the preamble to the Constitution. 

Make no mistake, this is one of the battles of our times, because the fight against any bill that grants blanket amnesty to the current DACA recipients is an inflection point in the battle to preserve American sovereignty and nationhood, and in this battle, billionaires are almost all on the other side.

So, who are these billionaire DACA supporters?, a coalition of globalist business leaders of the technology community which was founded in 2013 to support “comprehensive immigration reform,” AKA open borders legislation, has come out strongly in favor a DACA-like legislation.

Founders of the organization include Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston and venture capitalist Sean Parker, among others.  Following Attorney General Sessions’ announcement that DACA was constitutionally indefensible, issued a statement expressing its opposition to President Trump’s decision to kill the program and called on Congress to pass legislation to grant DACA recipients blanket amnesty.

In addition to Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, other billionaires backing the preservation of DACA are president of the Emerson Collective Laurene Powell Jobs and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff who tweeted in support of the program. Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki also expressed her support for granting blanket amnesty to current DACA beneficiaries.

Marc Sternberg, director of the Walton Family Foundation K-12 program, wrote an article that argued against the Trump administration's actions. Alphabet Inc executive chairman Eric Schmidt and Google CEO Sundar Pichai also pitched in with a plea for blanket amnesty for DACA recipients.

These globalist billionaires were joined by another, more sinister billionaire – Far-Left vampire George Soros – whose billions fund (among other anti-American organizations) the United We Dream organization.

United We Dream organization, Advocacy Director Greisa Martinez, along with Kamal Essaheb of the National Immigration Law Center and Angel Padilla with the Indivisible Project, demanded Democrats force a vote on the DREAM Act, which would give amnesty to all illegal aliens covered by DACA.

Democrats have relatively little leverage in the House, but in the Senate it is another story, especially given that newly elected Alabama Democratic Senator Doug Jones is an ardent DACA supporter.

As Breitbart Texas reported back in July, the Soros-funded United We Dream organization began lobbying members of the Republican establishment to put forward legislation that would grant amnesty and potentially a pathway to citizenship for the 800,000 illegal aliens currently protected by DACA.

Remember, billionaires back DACA to advance the ultimate goal of changing the United States into an open-borders globalist econometric society stripped of any of the of the trappings of nationhood or American exceptionalism." Richard Viguerie
