“ Seventeen years after granting "temporary protected status" to nearly 200,000 Salvadoran citizens who had fled earthquakes in 2001 or who were already here illegally and claimed they were unable to return to their homeland because of civil strife, America is setting a deadline: Get right with the law or go home. As if we haven't shown enough generosity to these provisional guests in our home, the Department of Homeland Security gave the Salvadorans until September 2019 to get their affairs in order. But the usual suspects in the permanent Gang of Amnesty -- identity-politics Democrats, Big Business Republicans, anti-rule of law activists and sovereignty-sabotaging pundits -- condemned the Trump administration's announcement this week with a heaping dose of hyperbole, “racial cleansing,” “monstrous,” “genocide?” The federal statute that created TPS clearly mandates terminating the protections once the conditions that led to TPS designation no longer exist. B...