From statistics obtained through the unions, the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures there are 14+ million union members, 7.5+ million in the public sector (37%) and 7.2 million in the private sector (6.9%).
Former co-founder of ACORN and ex-SEIU bigwig Wade Rathke opined recently that private-sector union membership might fall as low as 5% “unless something serious and drastic happens.”
Well apparently, the unions have thought of it.
Using some bizarre way of counting, evidently, the statistics above are 3,000,000 off!! Yep, 3 Million persons off. How can that be? This is so weird. There is a community organizing ( yep, you hear it right) project named, Working America, and the union reporting machine is using false numbers of members from this project in reporting to the BLS.
You see, the people in this group, Working America, are non-dues paying members of a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO. These members have absolutely no idea they are considered union members!!
None of them!! They just happened to sign up for things like an OccupyWallSt or HealthCareHustle website and were offered a bumper sticker, "Occupy Your City" or "I am the 99%." When they did, at the bottom of the form on the Working America website, there was the following small print:
"By participating in this campaign you become a member of Working America, a powerful voice for working people."
So, with the exception of the small reference to the AFL-CIO in the logo, there is no indication that by joining Working America one would also be joining the AFL-CIO. How can these people keep coming up with these deceitful creations of a sick mind?
Shame on you, You Naughty Union Bosses!
Who would have ever thought unions could stoop so low?
Well, actually, most of America does.
Source: LaborUnionReport on Redstate.com, 2/2/12
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