ALERT! DEBATE 2/22/2012: The GOP final four once again fell into John King's trap and started down the road of wasting the viewers time and nitpicking among themselves on a subject really dear to no one's heart. Contraception is there for anyone as it is. That's all they should have said and then told Mr. King to get on with it. Gingrich, to his credit, tried, but Romney and Snatorum, both of whom wanted so desperately to shine, made themselves resemble schoolgirls fighting over whose makeup was better. Paul as usual, chimed in with incoherent statements causing many viewers to raise eyebrows once again.
How "intelligent men" can get caught up in a quagmire so quickly, especially when they knew it was coming, is beyond comprehension. Getting carried away with themselves and how they will look to the public is not assuring any supporter they are the one to inherit the President's office. Gingrich knew it was coming and tried to shut it down quickly, but no, Romney and Santorum couldn't let it go. If you watched closely, you could see Gingrich slink away from the fray,smiling in the corner as these two swatted each other with irrational verbiage.
And then there were "earmarks!" From the Olympics to the Bridge to Nowhere, Romney and Santorum pitter patting each other, with no one really explaining the reason for and against earmarks. Most viewers don't know exactly what they are and how they get into bills that have nothing to do with the bill itself. Again, Gingrich stayed out of the fray. Both Romney and Santorum tried to voice explanations but they both came off digging holes from which they didn't emerge. They just didn't follow the old saying, "If you find yourself in a hole, Stop Digging!" Paul didn't have a shovel and Gingrich watched.
The real issues never were appropriately considered. The reason: CNN duped the participants and purposely chose questions to set Romney and Santorum fighting. For me, Santorum came off the worse just ahead of Paul. Romney did not do much better, ending each of his forays with his usual cynical expession. Did Gingrich win? Yeah, but what did he win? Possibly, some admiration from a issue starved base only. Nothing really changed for any of them. Such a shame for America!
I went to bed early with pills and ears dancing in my head!
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