You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people all the time,
but Obama can and will fool all the people all the time.
This contraceptive "controversy" has been magnified umpteen times and is such a fabricated issue ever devised by the corrupt, slime-digging issue manufacturing machine of the Democrat Think Tank. It all started when George Stephanopolus questioned the Republican candidates about contraception being banned by the states. At the time, everyone on stage, in the audience, and at home thought old George had lost his mind asking such a left field question; however, unbeknownst to everyone, puppet George had been ordered by Obama's boys to start a new issue. They figured that if anyone said yes that the states can do this, they caught them saying they wanted to ban contraception. Of course, no one on stage said it, the audience booed, and that was that. But No, folks, as conniving and devious as they are, Obama and his thugs then come out and mandate that everyone must offer contraception to their employees even the Catholic churches, charities and hospitals.
Now you see, they knew that an uproar would explode, so they "back stepped" and mandated that the insurance companies give contraception pills out free. Why? Obama knows he can't run on his record, therefore he must distract the public. Obama also knows he can't win on the abortion issue. It has been beat into the ground for far too long and is really old news, so, he has come up with the contraception issue as a woman's issue: "The Republicans want to ban a woman's right to contraception." Those mean old Republicans want every woman pregnant, right? That's theDemocrat mantra now. Just wait and you will hear Rachael Maddow and the other talk show hosts who kiss up to Obama say this exact thing. It is their way of trying to win over women to the the democrat side and get their votes. Never mind the fact that not one Republican ever said that contraception should be banned, right? The Democrats are trying to place a thought in the minds of women that is not true, but who cares about the truth. It's the election that counts.
Lies, deceit, deliberate false statements, innuendoes, and perverse rhetoric will be the campaign strategy for Obama.
You see, the Democrats are experts at inventing an issue, getting the opposition to discuss it, take their words out of context or completely reversing their statements, and then they attack those fabricated words with a vengeance putting doubt in people's mind where there was no issue or no doubt present.
America has been falling for this type of mind play for years on multiple levels. It is all based on fear of the public, fear of an issue that never existed. You see, anyone can get contraception. No one wants to ban it. What I and others forcibly object to is the freaking mandate. This is not an issue of contraception, folks, it is an issue of the constitutionality of the mandate, but the Democrats willfully and deceptively have attempted to FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME!
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