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A Pipe Dream

OK, I'll let you off the hook a bit. So far, some of my rants may have been a long read. But I have to tell this one bit:

So I'm listening to the TV and some spokesman for the State Department, you know, Hillary's home away from Bill, and he is discussing the Keystone Pipe Line. For those of you who have been living with the filthy, contaminated, lice carrying “occupiers” in NYC, the Keystone project is simply building a pipe line from Canada to Texas for refining oil, oil that we here in America will have magically producing gasoline. Now this project is being touted by the unions as good for the USA and the environmentalists who say it's bad. Of course, the green boys and girls are against anything on earth except maybe rain, but that's another matter. Not only will this pipe line be the first step to independence from foreign rip offs, but jobs will be created.

Of course, the usual rhetoric about how many jobs will be produced has fired up everyone on both sides, but everyone agrees that jobs will be produced by this project. That is, except Obama who is putting this project off until AFTER THE ELECTION.” No way is he going to create jobs with some hair brain scheme someone else thought of. The only jobs created must come from his minuscule “PASS IT NOW” neurons.

Now back to this State Department guy. Whoever he was stated, “The decision to do so was apolitical and transparent.”

OMG, WTF !!! Apolitical, my gluteus maximus! Transparent, yes!!
It is so blatantly obvious that our inept and indecisive White House Occupier can't decide whose side he wants to be on, the unions or the environmentalists. On both hands, he owes these donors everything yet now they are on the opposite sides of the pipe controversy.

What to do, oh Michelle, what should I do?? The answer: I vote Present? Nope, I'll just put it off. He knows the unions and the green jockeys are solid in his base, and he doesn't want to piss them off, so he has made an apolitical and very transparent decision not to make a decision that benefits all Americans except for the radical, Anti-everything Environmentalists who we really don't care about. 

So, because of the leadership from behind, all we have left is a “PIPE DREAM.”

Oh, did I tell you the Prime Minister of Canada indicated China could be the recipient of the oil if we don't want it. 

Atta Boy, BO. Chalk up another one up on the scoreboard for the foreigners, eh, BO? I don't know how many points Obama has scored for them, but I do know USA has "ZERO."
