You just have to wonder how far the synaptic destruction of Harry Reid's cranial neurons has progressed.
“Yesterday, in comments on the floor of the Senate, the Democrat Leader said:
"While it's proper to guard against and remove onerous regulations, and we need to do that, my Republican friends have yet to produce a single shred of evidence that the regulations they hate so much do the broad economic harms they claim. That's because there aren't any."
Reid's denial is in large part his poor explanation for denying the Senate even one vote on any of the 15 regulation relief bills that have been passed by the GOP House. Reid's ludicrous statement is also consistent with Cass Sunstein, the Regulation Czar for the Obama Administration. When asked about all the new rules and regulations being promulgated by the Administration Sunstein said, "There has been no increase in rule making in this Administration."
The total employment at the conglomeration of federal agencies responsible for enforcing compliance with the myriad of laws now exceeds 281,000 people. That's an increase of 13 percent already during the Obama Administration at a time when 27 million Americans find themselves unemployed, under-employed, or have completely given up even trying to find work. The budgets at these same agencies have increased 16 percent during the same period to over $54 billion.
With the expanded staffs, the agencies have ramped up new regulations at a frightening pace, too. The Federal Register, already about 80,000 pages, where all the regulation is posted increased 18 percent in 2010 alone, and 4,200 new rules or revisions are in the pipeline. According to an Investor's Business Daily , this staggering total doesn't include the impending clean air rules from the EPA, new derivative rules, the FCC's net neutrality rules, the recently announced CAFE fuel mandates, or the eventual plethora of new regulation mandated by ObamaCare and the Dodd-Frank legislation.
Even prior to the Obama Administration's onslaught of new rules and regulations, the Small Business Administration estimated that federal regulation imposed a $1.75 trillion annual cost burden on the economy. Further, according to the Heritage Foundation the 75 new major rules put in place in just the first 26 months of the Obama Administration added $40 billion more in expense to American businesses. Discombobulation
We really don't think Reid is stupid enough to believe that ever increasing amounts of regulation have no adverse consequences to the economy. That leaves only willful denial or an outright willingness to lie and deceive the American public as the only other possible explanations for his contention.” Robert, Beaupres, Townhall Finance
Now we all know that Reid is lying and, in his dementia, probably believes everything he says. It is incredible, but Reid probably misstates and prevaricates more than Obama. It's a wonder to me that the nice but ignorant people of Nevada vote this bozo in at every chance. His obnoxious and condescending demeanor and his off-hand vile comments are nauseating to witness not only because he looks like Scrooge with his squinty expression, but anyone with intelligence can tell he is out to tell a lie and enjoys and delights in doing it.
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