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Liberals and Democrats have nothing to offer America. When listening to the complicit media, these water carrying batboys of the Democrat National Committee purposely attack, demean, mock, denigrate, and dismiss the policies of President Trump. This is a daily occurrence. They assume you are ignorant and present moronic reason his policies are absurd. You can't turn on a radio or TV on without these stuff shirted pundits spewing forth DNC talking points, all using the same vernacular and quotes as the others. They are all fed this mumbo jumbo by the DNC through their daily talking points sent out to each network. Just once, try to listen objectively to MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and ask yourself, “Have the Democrats offered anything beneficial for America today or are they just purposely trying to dupe us by dumping on the present administration with no other creative solutions?

Their anger and hatred of Trump’s resounding defeat of their crooked candidate has caused a post traumatic stress disorder so ingrained at this point, the Democrats just can't mentally get a hold of themselves and become sane enough to realize what has happened to them. They have Schumer stating the GOP will rue the day they passed the tax reform bill and Nancy Pelosi crying “Armageddon!” The problem for America, is that Americans hear this malarkey so much every hour, everyday, and every week, they begin to believe it. This is the Democrat’s strategy, folks: “Tell a lie enough until it becomes the truth.”

Really? These are the leaders of the Democrat Party. What kind of reaction is this? Demented! Yes, emotional, as it is with everything liberals do. These are not rational people. These are people hungry for power who have been defeated by someone they underestimated badly, and they will continue to foster this extreme contempt and condescending attitudes toward the Republicans and conservatives. They can't and will not ever accept the policies that will make America more successful. Their obstructionism overstepped their bounds and caused a government shutdown over building a barrier on the southern border with no solutions of their own other than, stating repeatedly “We stand for border security but not a wall!”

They only revert to their old tired and worn out ideas that have failed decade after decade. They can only organize for violence and obstructionism without organizing to benefit America. They believe in taxing everything and spending that money on ridiculous and errant policies. They believe in corrupt and clandestine ways to dupe others into believing their ideas are best even in the face of their supreme failures. They will never compromise but expect others to. They agree with you only if you agree with them otherwise you’re wrong. They believe you can't be responsible enough to live your life without government telling you what to do. They want to be able to live your life for you and tell you what to buy, eat, save, spend, drive, where to live, what kind of air to breathe, what medications you can and can't take, who you can marry and mandate it all.

This is not America, folks. We are free to do as we will under the laws that benefit us all, not one-sided asinine legislation as California is noted for. We are a free people, something heinous to the left. Are we to be pigeon holed and cared for from cradle to death and then taxed for dying? Is this what you really want? Are you voting Democrat just because your family did in the past. The Democrat party is not the party of your father and grandmother. They have evolved into something sinisterly trying to control you in every aspect of your life.

Take the time to research what I’m telling you. Watch the “news” closely. Question the pundits trying to inform you of fake news. Don’t just accept it. That is their goal. You are the sheep, and they are trying to be a wolf, first in sheep’s clothing, but now just a wolf walking freely among the sheep without the sheep knowing it.
