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Progressive's Diabolical Plan

We are being systematically replaced.
Multiculturalism/Multiracialism will kill this nation's heritage!
This is one tenet of progressivism. They say that having a multiracial society is ‘progress’ and that ‘diversity is our strength.’ This is not what our Founding Fathers foresaw nor this country who welcomed immigrants in in the early 1900s.  The precept was to create a UNITED STATES, a country built by different people who became one culture: Americans.

Progressives want a ‘post-racial’ society devoid of racial identity. They promote and support mass immigration and desire the day when white Europeans are a minority in once White European homelands. They do not want a union but desire cliches of people and welcome the division that this creates.

Divide and Conquer, so to speak!

Can anybody who is not an anti-white see how this can possibly be called progress? When you are able to think freely and evaluate the facts, you will see that progressivism is an anti- white European agenda. It isn’t about progressing the white European people, it is about destroying them.
Proof of this is seen in the demographic predictions by expert demographers that European nations including Britain, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and others, will be minority European this century.

Older Europeans are anti-European Union and anti EU migration, and they fully recognize the problems it brings; however, the main issue is the tens upon tens of millions of non-Europeans who have been brought to Europe. This is the primary reason European nations will soon become minority European.

If America allows these "regressives," not "progressives," to continue the march of Obama's transformation, America's culture and heritage will be erased in the next century if not half a century. The majority of Americans are too busy trying to make a  living to listen to, much less understand, the clandestine habits of the present radical Democrats. They can't fathom that an American would want to destroy this nation from within, but they do, otherwise, they would not be pushing and voting for illegals to vote, welfare for illegals, medical care for illegals, and supporting chain migration and babies as citizens born here of illegal parents.

These people know most Americans are not well informed and having a media kissing their feet and robotically printing their flawed and failed agendas 24/7 does not help.

Multiculturalism begets dissimulation and abject non-assimilation in some. This mental attitude spreads like wildfire as those who were here first isolate their own and brainwash those who aren't already. We see this in Michigan, Minnesota, and other states already.

The unfortunate indoctrinated youth in this country who voted these radical Democrats into the House have no idea of the consequences of their actions, and now that the troglodytes are exposing their sick agenda, maybe just maybe, some voters will awake, rise up, and understand the disastrous consequences of their 2018 votes. It actually may also be happening if you look at the special elections in 2019 already, Kentucky, and other states.

