I'm truly sorry that the public must listen to this child (D. Hogg, look-a-like a Hitler Youth from the Thirties) over and over again. He is a foul mouthed, indoctrinated, probable Soros paid person - and normally the media takes offense to language that he uses.
However, as he is a 'paid voice’,for their narrative, he is evidently good for media.
If kids like this actually read and studied the Bill of Rights and our Constitution, they would not be cussing and telling BS (as he has it all wrong). His parents should be ashamed of his behavior - especially when he tries to belittle them and call them names. Could this be an example of how he has been allowed to behave?
Kids - go back to school and STUDY. You cannot force the nation to change and do as you say. If you would research the actual laws, you will find and abundance of regulations for guns. The type weapons you are screaming about (assault) were banned in the 1930's. People who are mentally ill should not have access to weapons. And to note, there are far more murders by use of knives. This should be important in that a person controls a weapon - not the weapon which is inanimate. The focus should be on potential criminals. Think about this.
While D. Hogg cusses on - someone needs to educate him about the thousands of murders and assaults that happen so frequently in Chicago - a place that has a strict gun control in effect. A criminal has no intention of abiding by any laws, but again, this does not fit the narrative of the left and the gun-grabbers. They will tell you they don’t want to take your guns, but this is a lie.
Finally, Hogg's constant attack on the NRA is ignorant and right out of the Democrat playbook. They are not the enemy. They have threatened no one and follow the law. The educate gun owners on safety. To date, there have been NO members of the NRA committing murders.
Go back to school and concentrate on becoming a better person and stop listening to those who would exploit you and eventually enslave you mentally to accept their misguided and errant ideas.
Become some one who seeks the truth, not one that takes it for granted. (Paraphrasing Richard Viguerie and adding some words of my own.)
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