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Students Can't Believe Their Protests

25 Duke students suffering from regressive indoctrination and majoring in Snowflakism interrupted  an alumni conference screaming and yelling and taking over the stage, but they were surprised at the subsequent reaction. Mike Huckabee's quote is quite on the mark:

"I realize that today’s college students aren’t getting much of an education in the Bill of Rights, or else they wouldn’t be holding protests to demand that their own rights be taken away from them. But I’ll try to explain how freedom of speech works clearly enough so that even a Ph.D. candidate can understand:
You have a right to stand on a soapbox and say whatever you want. But you don’t have a right to be listened to. You have to earn that by establishing that you know what you’re talking about, or failing that, by at least spouting your nonsense in an entertaining fashion. You can’t force people to listen to whatever drivel you’re coming out with. Those people who booed you? They were exercising their free speech rights, too."
For more on this story of these youth's inability to live in reality, please go to:
If any of my children had ever performed such an intolerant stunt, they would have been working at Wendy's where they would learn reality quickly and decisively.
