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Can You Believe It?

Everyday, almost every moment of every day, I see and hear extraordinary prevarications, manipulation of important issues of the day, and pundits regurgitating false information fed to them mostly by the leftists of this country. It is becoming a scourge of our nation.

These people know that there is a large base of people who have no will to research for the truth in multiple pieces of information bombarding them every day; therefore, they aim their deceitful and deranged propaganda directly at them knowing full well it will be absorbed willingly without thought or interest in sorting out truth from fantasy.

The left has been doing this for decades, but when victory was snatched from them as it was in November 2016, something snapped within their tiny craniums. An implosion of any rational thought process they may have had occurred, and any good sense instantly disappeared.

The left, the Democrat Party, and Hollywood went berserk. Their grief for their candidate's overwhelming defeat has spawned an abominable, vengeful, and angry response so violent and perverse, America is inundated almost hourly by "news" reports so blatantly erroneous, distorted, and fraudulent, it is a wonder they are not institutionally committed for being pathologic and becoming psychopaths on a course of mentally and physically hurting America.

The left's seriously inane hatred for President Trump is truly malignant. No longer are they just willing to clandestinely squeeze out lies, falsehoods, and fake news, they are overtly doing so, daring anyone to confront them so they can attack them as racists, homophobes, etc. They have become like cornered snakes, striking out at anything they can to justify their existence.

They are not interested in benefitting Americans anymore. They can't stand their loss; it feeds on their will to live; it is destroying their inner being. The left has now rushed so far left, it has no chance to ever return to a group that can compromise. Since Trump's election, they have wanted to impeach him. For What?
Anything they can throw against the wall and make it stick. They continue to invent news just to give them a reason to complain, attack, demean, degrade, and debase every thing President Trump does.

Their attacks are vicious, ripping, diabolical, bordering on the perverse, poisonous, and evil. Only sick minds such as demonstrated by the likes of Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and other such immoral and unethical Democrats could continuously devise such sickening schemes to destroy our President of the United States.

Where were they when Obama was in the midst of fundamentally wrecking America's military and healthcare? They were willing and able to become puppets of a devious man who meant to decrease the standing of America throughout the world. This was fine with them, but now that we have a president who wants to reverse of of Obama's ill will, they are violently adverse to his attempts at every level.

It's time for all Americans to rid this country of these self-serving troglodytes from the left who, without one decent thought for our country, will continue to become burdensome obstructionists for the next 3, if not 7 years.
