When Obama said the "private sector is doing fine," he meant it is doing fine according to HIS PLAN FOR IT!
The man is definitely talking and acting like a Communist – there is no point in denying what is in your face. Communism sounds great and is a real vote-getter from the illiterate, ignorant, apathetic, and those oblivious to what is going on around them. Who are these people? The answer is the indoctrinated youth by the progressive teaching of "teachers" in our schools, especially at the college level. It is becoming even more pervasive in high, junior high and elementary schools. Today's parents use the school system as a babysitter, not interested in what they are being taught and how it is taught. Their children grow up believing deceptive thoughts spewed forth continuously through their growing years, much as Obama was indoctrinated as a child and young adult.
Communism and Socialism simply do not work in the real world when applied to governing. If Americans know anything of the histories of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, even China, one would know all of these are countries are with tremendous natural resources but Communist tyrannies, and they are failures for the governed and successes for the ruling elite who govern through fear, corruption, and oppression.
Obama is not a brilliant person. He is a man thoroughly trained and brainwashed by the best who believe in the communistic way of life and in the art of deceiving people at every level. One only needs to listen carefully to the words the man uses and how their double meanings apply. Those never skeptical of politician's statements will continue to believe anything they say. It seems that there is an increasing number of these folks, and this is exactly what Obama and the democrats are banking on.
At this point, we must regard his actions and speech as pathological for America. So far, his entire life is a very well guarded lie. He has refused and spent a great deal of our money to protect his true identity. He and his miscreants are complicit in deceiving America, and even the Republicans do not have the guts to uncover his life. So, he is able to expand and continue his ideology into all sectors of our life without being accountable.
Things are going just "fine," only if you are a Communist and look foreward to the collapse of the American economy and way of life. For the most of us, that is not a reason to rejoice. We are on the verge of watching the most powerful democracy/representative republic start its descent to oblivion unless Americans realize that electing conservatives at every level who believe in constitutional law, as described by the OUR Constitution, limited government, less regulation from the government, individual property rights, less taxes, and more freedom of the citizens.
We very much need V.I.P. representatives, not Very Important People,
but ones with VIRTUE, INTEGRITY, and PRUDENCE!
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