"Tax (noun)
1. A charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.
-Merriam Webster
The thing is these taxes will only grow and become more onerous, there is no incentive to get off government healthcare much like there are more and more reasons in general to stay snuggled within the nest of entitlements. But, this tax hurts almost everyone directly, through higher taxes, which means fewer jobs and less disposable income. I think another dictionary probably sums up why the party, so proud of tax and spend, is trying so hard to promote the Supreme Court decision without invoking the "T" word.
Tax (verb)
1. to steal
Tax (noun)
1. Giving money you don't have to people you don't know for a program you don't believe in.
2. Legalized theft created by and used by the government, mostly used to pay for a war in Iraq or to give money to lazy people who refuse to work (see welfare).
-Urban Dictionary
Yes, the Urban Dictionary cuts to the chase in a much crasser manner than Webster, but the point is interesting. Fans of this new tax are hypocrites if they think only a few people should be taxed to create yet another entitlement program (not lumping social security and Medicare into this). But that's the end game, hoping so many Americans have forgotten all taxation without representation to buy into the notion of tax anyone but me to make my life cushier.
Adding up Impact
By the way, since the media and administration love counterfactuals (jobs saved, depression averted) how about this one on the impact of healthcare.
There is a 2.3% excise tax on medical instruments. This will surely cut into the amount of money used for research and development. In a fantastic piece, Dr. Benjamin Zycher laid out how this negatively impacts all Americans.
10% cut on medical device R&D: $2.0 billion
Loss of life from breakthrough averted or delayed [in healthcare]]: 1,000,000 life-years
Economic impact from loss of 1,000,000 life-years to America's economy: $100.0 billion a year
This thing [Obamacare] costs a lot including the same freedoms
that spark the creation of the nation in the first place."
by Charles Payne
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