Public Law 111–148 – The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(otherwise known as “Obamacare”)
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
"This document will not even begin to detail the unforeseeable ways that “Obamacare” will impact the freedoms and livelihoods of American citizens. America has bought in to what will likely be more government insertion into our lives and homes, if we do not act wisely in this next election.
It is our irresponsibility as a nation that we must now correct. We must show our disapproval by removing from office those who threaten to chip away at our freedoms, and tax us heavily for the advancement of big government.
Do you know why you MUST vote those responsible for Obamacare out of offiice?
Consider the following…
ALARMING FACT #1: Individuals/Families must carry Health Insurance – OR ELSE!
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 5000A. Requirement to Maintain to Minimum Essential Coverage)
The American’s right to healthcare isn’t the issue at hand. We can all generally agree that our healthcare system must be reformed, but not at the expense of the American citizen’s freedom to choose.ALARMING FACT #2: Employers must provide health insurance for their employees – OR ELSE!
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 1513. Shared Responsibility for Employers)
ALARMING FACT #3: You must pay for coverage you might not need. (See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 1302. Essential Health Benefits Requirements)
What if you’re a single male? It doesn’t matter, you must still pay for a plan that offers maternity care. What if you have no children? It doesn’t matter, you still must have newborn care and pediatric services on your plan. ALARMING FACT #4: The cost of eating out is likely to increase.
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 4205. Nutrition Labeling of Standard Menu Items At Chain Restaurants.)
Many restaurants are already struggling to stay in business due to higher food and commodities costs. This law requires restaurants with 20 or more locations to list the calorie content of their standard fare on their menus and drive-through menu boards. Again, the cost will inevitably be passed down to the consumer. That means YOU.
ALARMING FACT #5: Preventive Care Free On All Plans
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 2713. Coverage of Preventive Health Services)
It’s about time to get something for free, right?
Someone has to pay for these “free” services.ALARMING FACT #6: Drug Companies and Medical Device Manufacturers are being heavily taxed
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 0998. Imposition of Annual Fee on Branded Prescription Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Importers) (See Public Law 111-148 Sec. 0990 Imposition of Annual Fee on Medical Device Manufacturers and Importers)
Are you beginning to notice the bottom line? All of these taxes and increased costs have done nothing but eat into your bottom line as an American citizen and consumer.The law imposes an annual fee (i.e. tax) on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs based on each individual company’s share of the total market. There is also a 2.3% excise tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices. Why should you care? Well, who do you think will absorb the cost of these taxes?
ALARMING FACT #7: Business owners being obligated to provide specialized treatment for nursing mothers
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 4207. Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers)
By law, that employer must also now provide an appropriate place (other than a bathroom) for that mom to express the breast milk, which is shielded from view and free from intrusion by other co-workers or the general public. Where does the cost to provide such a place come from?
ALARMING FACT #8: Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 5000B. Imposition of Tax on Indoor Tanning Services)
If you decide to get a tan by going to a tanning salon, you will pay an additional 10% tax. The next thing you know, you’ll be taxed for absorbing the sun’s rays. Freedom is never free.
ALARMING FACT #9: You want a maximum benefit insurance plan? Then, cough up an extra 40% for taxes
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 9001. Excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage.)
In another effort to penalize the successful American for actually achieving the American dream and making money, the government is going to levy a hefty tax on maximum benefit health insurance plans (dubbed “Cadillac” insurance plans). This whopping 40% excise tax applies to plans valued in excess of $10,200 for individuals and $27,500 for families.
ALARMING FACT #10: Robin Hood In Modern Terms….new “Hospital Insurance” income tax
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 9015 Additional Hospital Insurance Tax on High-Income Taxpayers)
What is happening is that these individuals/families will be “penalized” for their success by an additional tax in order to help fund the new entitlement program offering health care plans to those who cannot afford them.
ALARMING FACT #11: Limitation on “tax-free” money…reduction of benefits through Flex-Spending Accounts
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec 9005. Limitation on Health Flexible Spending Arrangements Under Cafeteria Plans)
The law now limits the amount that can be deposited into FSAs and HSAs to $2,500. It also reduces the number of medical products that taxpayers can purchase using these accounts. Furthermore, it increases the penalty to 20% for purchasing disallowed products with the HSAs.
ALARMING FACT #12: Fair Health Insurance Premiums….Who cares if you’re healthy or not!
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec 2704. Prohibition of Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions Or Other Discrimination Based On Health Status.)
Health insurance companies are no longer able to underwrite policies based on the person’s health. So, if you’d like to pay premiums that reflect the good care you’ve taken of your body….tough! You’ll pay the same rates as anyone else.
ALARMING FACT #13: Want cosmetic surgery? Fine….but, you’ll have to pay a tax for that choice.
(See Public Law 111–148 Sec. 5000B. Imposition of Tax on Elective Cosmetic Medical Procedures.)
Under the law, you now still have that “right”…but you will be taxed for the decision to exercise that right. There is now imposed a tax equal to 5% of the amount paid for such elective procedure.
Food for thought: Do you see the theme throughout this document? Free isn’t free! Who is paying for this wonderful new health plan for all Americans? YOU! Even more importantly, your freedom isn’t free. Your freedom to choose is being heavily taxed.
Oh yes, and the lawmakers who think this is such a great idea – they have exempted themselves from participating. How nice for them!
We must show our government our extreme dissatisfaction and disapproval, and vote these politicians, who are so willing to spend our hard-earned money for us, OUT OF OFFICE!"
by Patriot Update
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