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71% Disapprove of Obama on the Economy — Gallup Poll

Have you really heard anything positive from Obama or his campaign. Think about it. Have you heard anything about the success of any of his policies or legislation that is positive for America.
I'll save you the time thinking.
A resounding NO, Nope, Squat, NADA, Negatory,etc.

His campaign is to be a purely negative one from here on in.
He has absolutely nothing to present to America to show he deserves another 4 years.
He will state the "inequalities" that are threatening the Middle Class that has been decimated by his policies.
He will talk about dividing the pie, redistribution of wealth, promote class warfare, try to create unrest and social     division even among you and your neighbors, a divide and conquer mentality.
He will tell Americans how the exceptionalism of America has "eroded", but he will not give any solutions because he and his administration are the main problem.
He has no solutions.
He will insist that "It must pass, Now!"
He will say, "trust Me, It is imperative to have Obamacare, unionization, continued foreign oil, etc. with no explanation exactly why, and what explanation he gives will be a lie, something he is very adept at voicing.
He knows this and will try to distract us as much as possible with his orations and fancy spin rhetoric.
He will say over and over again, "You can make it if you try," but meaning, "I will pay  you if you don't. And as a favor, you can vote for me since I'm looking out for you."

This is all he has to offer. The dumbing down of America, the continued bashing of capitalism in our schools, the promise of a better life through government, all inhibit Americans who have never been able to see the whole picture. Many of them are working their butts off trying to make ends meet and too tired to read, watch, and learn. It's not their fault they do not have the facts. The ones they hear are often laced with fallacy and inaccuracies and reversed a week later. I feel it is done purposely to confuse Americans, and Obama is excellent at it.

No, you can't make it. Government doesn't want you to make it.
Financial regulations, oil restrictions, refusal to drill, refusal to lay the Keystone pipeline, the insidious government intervention into our daily lives, social regulations, environmental regulations, nutritional regulations will not let you succeed. That's what Obama wants. When everyone finally is tired of trying to make it on their own and can not get through the mire and muck of the  government grasp, they will look to the government for support. They will have to.

Then socialism will win. Obama will win. Bill Ayers will win. The political elite will win.
There will be only 2 classes, those that have and those who have not.

    Then, the distribution of wealth will end and the oppression will start.
