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What the Anti-Gun Politicians Really Want

"Before you or anyone else buys into the hype from anti-gunners, we need to have an honest discussion about whether anti-gunner politicians really want to ban “assault weapons” or if those politicians really want something else because the recent history shows that anti-gun politicians really don’t want to do anything.
How can I say that? Because they had the chance to do it when Obama was in office, and they didn’t.

Journalists never ask lawmakers what Democrats did about gun control when they has the House and The Senate for 2 years under Obama because the answer is NOTHING!

The journalists never ask: Where was the Democrat's courage? Were the Democrats too afraid to lose their seats, like they did in 1994, by passing another assault weapons ban?

Nope! Instead they shake their fingers, look at the camera, and tell us to shut up!
So, the next time an anti-gunner talks to you about pro-gun politicians being the problem or the NRA being the problem or you and me being the problem, call B.S. Ask them what anti-gunners did when they had control of Congress and of the Presidency. Ask them why their favorite politicians did none of the things that they were proposing then that they are proposing again now.
And then ask them if their favorite politicians really care about gun control if it’s just another emotionally charged issue that they can use to drum up campaign funds and votes.

Because, based on the history of the situation, it sure seems like what “anti-gunners” really want to see is more mass shootings to help them keep their jobs." C.E.Cupp, CNN
