I think pro-gun rights people should spread the rumor among the teenager crowds that many people are now pushing for laws to make it illegal for anyone under the age of 19 or 21 from having any access to social media because of the epidemic of teen suicide due to "cyber-bullying". Of course, it's not true, but it gets them all angered that they wouldn't be able to access social media because some "bad kids" use it to cyber bully. Then we tell them that the movie "13 Reasons" really put this issue out in the spot light, and now people are motivated to finally do something to save teen lives. After all, there are many more suicides than killings from shooters in schools. So THEN we'll ask them if they are supporting the cyber-bullies and why don't they care about the poor kids that commit suicide. Then they will get angered about that and come up with something about how bullies will still bully and kids will still commit suicide because...