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Never-Trumper Realizes The Truth

"As a former Never Trumper who only came on board because of Mike Pence, I am beyond pleased with the job that Trump has done for our country.  If Trump had just nominated Neil Gorsuch and gotten through a few good judges, we’d all be calling his presidency a success after the first year. If all Trump did was get ANWR drilling passed in the first year, we’d be calling this one of the major pieces of legislation in the past 50 years.  If all Trump and the Republican Congress did was to pass tax reform in 2017, we’d be pleased at the first real tax rate cut since the Reagan years.  And if all Trump had done was to get the repeal process of Obama Care in motion (i.e. repeal of the individual mandate) conservatives would be pleased.
However, Trump has done all these things and so much more.  The whiny crybabies at CNN don’t want you to know these facts, nor does that loser Bill Kristol, but Trump has been the most consequential President since LBJ – and Trump has only been President for 11 months.  In these 11 months of the most consequential presidency ever – Trump has accomplished not only all of the above, but the following as well:
  • We have taken back 98% of ISIS-controlled territory during 2017, mostly because Trump has taken the shackles off the American military and allowed the commanders on the ground to do their job
  • The economy is finally starting to hum, and we will likely be seeing 4% GDP growth in 2018.
  • Hundreds of thousands of jobs are being added monthly
  • Consumer optimism is at its highest peak since the tech boom of the 1990’s.
  • For the first time in my lifetime, the USA is virtually energy independent.
  • Energy companies are now exporting
  • Corporations taking jobs overseas has finally stopped
  • Manufacturing jobs are returning to the US
  • The Dow Jones 30 has increased by 5000 points since November 9, 2016, the day after Trump was elected, in just over a year.  
  • We are seeing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants come into this country, likely because they are afraid Trump will deport them.  
  • He has reset our alliance with Israel, and done something which has been the “stated policy” of each president in the past 50 years, which is to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli nation.  
  • Trump has started the process of overturning that horrible deal that Obama made with the mullahs in Iran.  
  • We have pulled out of that silly Paris Climate Accord, which limited what the US could do economically, bu9t allow other nations to pollute at will.  
  • We have started the process of ending corruption at the United Nations by cutting funding – making it harder for them to waste money that they now do not have.  
  • Trump and his Citizen’s Army have forced the spineless GOP to go along with what We the People want, and not what the “donor class” wants.  
  • China has just announced they started to withhold oil exports to North Korea – meaning for the first time, China is being a responsible player on the world stage, thanks in large part to Donald Trump and his ability to work with others.  
The list goes on and on – and more needs to be done.  We need to start work on the Border Wall at the Mexican border, and figure out the best way to put an end to chain migration.   And most importantly, we need to get that debt down.  Don’t get me wrong – Trump does bother me at times.  Trump’s approval rating would be in the mid 50’s if it weren’t for his almost sociopathic need to fight with others on Twitter.  Do I wish that Trump was more “Reaganesque”?  Of course, I do.  Reagan had a common touch and could slice his enemies apart with a smile, where Trump has all the charm and tact of the proverbial “bull in a china shop”.  
But no man/woman can be a perfect messenger.  And given all that the Blue Collar Billionaire has accomplished, and will likely continue to accomplish – we small government conservatives should be ecstatic.  I surely am.  Now some so-called “conservatives” will continue to carp and whine, but these people are the ones who have lived off the swamp for decades now.  They have profited and laughed at us “deplorables” while they dine at the finest restaurants in DC.  All the while good hard working people were having a hard time making ends meet.  
Other Presidents have accomplished great things too.  Reagan sure did – he cut taxes, single-handedly defeated the Soviet Union, rebuilt our military, began real regulatory reform, and made us proud to be Americans again.  But Reagan had 8 years to do all these things.  Trump has Made America Great Again in just 11 months.  And we his Citizen’s Army is glad to follow his lead.  
Let’s help Trump Drain the Swamp! " John Mossaud
