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Will We Learn From History?

Multiculturalism has not been kind to countries embracing it. The United States may be the world’s oldest democracy, but it has nothing special over past nations that were, for periods of time, stable yet crumbled. If history is our guide, Athens, Rome, and other nations eventually either “destroyed” themselves, went bankrupt, or were overrun by “immigrants.”

At this very time, our country seemingly is at a point of division we have never seen before. People will poopoo this idea, but, look around you, folks. Half the country, the liberal of us, is concentrated in “146 of our 3,000+ counties” — representing less than 10 percent of the U.S. land mass! They are called the Blue States.

The other half, conservative “Red States” mostly in the interior of America, is culturally and politically separated from those living in Blue America. The two Americas differ in many ways. Just look at the books and music they read and listen to and even the TV shows they watch.

As a kid in the 40’ and 50’s kids were kids. We loved to play with each other. We were not opposed to hearing other kids say what they wanted and believed, but we dared them to prove what they said was the truth. We entered into a relationship with everyone and when the likes and dislikes were at odds, we went different ways. Now we live lives according to multiple different traditions. As a result, people who were once friends, or at least acquaintances, have stopped interacting with one another.

Barack Obama was elected president after compiling the most left-wing voting record in the U.S. Senate of anyone in modern history and brought multiculturalism to the forefront along with its inherent problems. Donald Trump was elected largely on the premise that traditional Republicans were hardly conservative but wanted someone who would combat this disease that is affecting America. Red America and Blue America are rejecting one another to the degree only seen in the 1860’s.

27 percent of all Californians were not born in the United States. More than 40 million foreign-born immigrants currently live in the U.S. — the highest number in the nation’s history. America is now questioning its unique melting pot theory of success. Unchecked immigration over the decades has allowed an insidious change in Americans. The wonders of groups of people from all around the world coming here and assimilating together were the basis of our democratic republic, but there is a loss of confidence in this bastion of strength.

Our nation’s society has fragmented into tribal enclaves that are now seeking power and influence here solely on the basis of ethnic commonality rather than being “Americans.” We must remember what history has wrought with multiculturalism and the dangers it possesses. America has existed by multiracial persons united by a single American culture but seemingly no more!

We must realize what history teaches us about unchecked multiculturalism. Either Americans understand that our nation can only continue if we strive to have a shared language and an allegiance to a common cause, or we will eventually descend into thuggery and unchained violence.

But, now, along with ethnic non-assimilation forced upon us over the last decade, we are witnessing a new kind of multiculturalism. The divisiveness between the Red vs the Blue is extraordinary. The escalating heinous rhetoric over the past several years has become the everyday normal. What exactly happened in the November elections last year will be critiqued for decades. In one 24 hour period, a new hateful clan mentality was born in the Blue States erupting into a response from the Red States that has been exponentially expanding to the disgrace and detriment of America. Resistors, elite anti-everything lefties, violent AntiFAs, and others are driving wedges everywhere they go trying to disrupt America’s progress.

We hear and see it 24/7. The left says Trump started it, yet years of evidence shows the clandestine efforts, mostly on the left, have silently but purposely infiltrated our world and now has unmasked itself as the culprit. Trump only uncovered it and exposed it for what it was, a movement devastating America. There is no civility anymore from the halls of government in Washington, DC to the big cities where people are at each other's throats and to smaller towns where foreign groups maintain their identities solely unto themselves.

For us to be that “Shining light on the Hill” again, we must bear witness to the horrible chaos caused by these out-of-control “clans and tribes,” and reunite ourselves in one simple yet effective cause, America!
