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                               IT WAS INEVITABLE

Recently, the National Review voiced their opinion that Virginia’s election was all about what Virginians thought about President Trump and what he was doing. In fact, the reason for the Democrat win was predictable and may well be for many years to come, no matter who is POTUS and what he does.

You see, America is divided. There is no question that some are conservative in nature and some are liberal. I don’t think anyone can make a fuss about that although I’m sure someone can and will. But, in the overall scheme of things some people are and some lean right and visa versa. As for anyone truly in the center, I doubt, with appropriate questioning, that person would be found truly a centrist.

So, as I said, we have conservatives and liberals. In short, conservatives want less government, lower taxes, safer country and borders, individual responsibility, and the freedom to make their own choices in healthcare, guns, and how they live without fear of the government. Liberals essentially want more government control over healthcare, guns, and social issues; more tax money for all sorts of social issues, more open borders leading to more diversity, more help from the government in the form of welfare or redistribution of wealth, and as many programs as possible to “educate” Americans and tell them what to do.

But I digress. Gillespie lost for the same reasons, Cuccinelli lost, Romney lost, and McCain lost. It wasn’t because of Trump. Trump won because the conservatives of the nation were allowed to speak through the electoral college, an entity set forth by our Founding Fathers who understood that heavily populated areas would always dictate which way an election would go and they knew that all one needed to do to win was to get those folks in the big cities to go one way and the rest of the population would never be able to have their voices heard. The electoral college was an ingenious idea and had done the country well ever since.

But what about the overall vote? Doesn’t that count? It would count if we were a Democracy, but we are a Republic! No, they are not the same. A Democracy is a form of government where the supreme power rests with the people. It is characterized by the rule of the “majority.” A Republic differs in that the government rules according to laws created by representatives who are elected by the people. A Democracy may lead to mobocracy, “rule of the mob.” In a Republic, his cannot exist.

Therefore, the overall total count of a national election for President is decided by the electoral college, not by a majority vote of the populace. Unfortunately, this is not what happens in state elections. The populace actually votes and the majority making it possible for the larger populated areas in the state to overwhelm the rest of the state and therefore decide who wins.

Just take a look at this map:

You will notice that Virginia, having been named a blue state by the liberals, Hollywood, and the Democrats, is mostly red in nature when counties are considered rather than individual votes. If it weren’t for Northern Virginia, Richmond, and the Norfolk/Portsmouth/Virginia Beach areas that have become more leftwing as it grows in financial wealth, Virginia would certainly seem to be more conservative than one thinks. These areas are also home to many more immigrants than in the past when Virginia was a red state.

These folks are utilized by their richer counterparts outside their own businesses. However, these workers must live somewhere other than where the wealthy live but be near them for convenience sake. That is one reason why these blue areas have a more liberal outlook and voting habit. As time goes on, those immigrants that cannot vote in this area will have children who will and the parents will instill their liberal feelings in their own children creating these solid blue areas as seen on the map.

Overall, the big cities in Virginia dictate the state’s voting habits, more liberal than conservative. It is not a mandate against one President as the Democrats would have us believe. 

It is all due to the demographics of Virginia that have become more liberal as time has past and will, unfortunately, remain so. Therefore, the Democrat win was predictable and, in the future, more an more predictable unless an electoral college entity makes for a fairer end result. 

Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to happen. The Democrats will never allow it. They have too much to lose to let such an electoral college to exist.
