Have you ever been bullied? At school possibly, by a car dealer, by a mortgage broker, a salesman, or your sibling? What did you do about it? Did you fight back, get into their face and express disdain for their actions? I doubt it. It's not in our nature, now, is it? Very few of us will face up to the bully. I did in junior high school and got beat up, but in high school, I did again and won. I was never bothered again by either even the guy who “whooped” me.
You see, bullying is only successful through the intimidation that comes with it. Intimidation comes in all sorts of sizes. The bully could be bigger, taller, more aggressive, speak angrily with physical attributes or facial expressions and body language, all of them intimidating and menacing to many kids in schools. The majority of those in school quickly find out who the bullies are. Subsequently, they stay out of those kids' way, never speak ill of them, and some join them to avoid the consequences.
That is why many people in school or other places such as organizations, companies, corporations often remain “out of the loop” or “under the radar.” They are happy just to avoid the problem, keep their heads down, dig a hole or submerge their heads in the sand, anything but confront the bully for fear of being recognized as a promising victim or penalized somehow.
Sort of like political correctness, don't you think? If you don't attune yourself to the norms of PC, you are labeled a bigot and/or a racist, no matter what you did or said. Once the bully has you in his sights, you are labeled. If you do not agree with everything the bully says, you are marked for ridicule. You are beaten, not physically, but through words. You are mocked, demeaned, vilified, and your reputation, your job, and your career can and often will be affected or possibly destroyed.
Did Brandon Eich deserve to be bullied to the point of resigning as CEO of Mozilla? Did Trent Lott deserve to be harassed and removed from his congressional position for saying something nice about a really old man, and did Sarah Palin deserve the “over the top” browbeating for telling the truth about seeing Russia from her house? Absolutely not!
Political correctness fits well with the liberal mindset. George Orwell, 1984, saw a future verbiage he named “Newspeak,” modern-day political correctness if you will. It is a language that is reduced in size to only accommodate limited if any free thinking and eliminate ideas that threaten. It does not allow innate rights as freedom, self-expression, and individuality. It is totalitarian liberalism. You see, anything outside the realm of the bully's desires is forbidden.
With the bevy of laws our government has passed over the last decade or so, people can be punished, fined, and even imprisoned as an indirect result of an ever-evolving bully mentality of our nation, Political Correctness. This is bolstered by the mainstream media who tell us what to do, what to say and not say, and only publishes the wants of the "elite" class thereby intimidating Americans who are afraid to say anything for fear of repercussions that will affect them mentally, financially, or even physically. That's why many opt to march in step with Newspeak.
Now, some people want to ban words, the latest being the word, “Bossy.” Words such as “terrorist,” “thug,” “brown bag,” and even “citizen” have been banned in certain areas. Nothing derogatory can be mentioned about certain religions, races or genders, and the list goes on and on. Even Obama masks were banned by the Missouri State Fair!
All in all, we have become a Nation Bullied. We and especially our children are being indoctrinated by fear of words, actions, and even inanimate objects such as guns, AR15s, Semi-Automatic, and Ammo.
Political Correctness will devour us all unless we face and fight the bully.
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