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Showing posts from November, 2017


Have you ever been bullied? At school possibly, by a car dealer, by a mortgage broker, a salesman, or your sibling? What did you do about it? Did you fight back, get into their face and express disdain for their actions? I doubt it. It's not in our nature, now, is it? Very few of us will face up to the bully. I did in junior high school and got beat up, but in high school, I did again and won. I was never bothered again by either even the guy who “whooped” me. You see, bullying is only successful through the intimidation that comes with it. Intimidation comes in all sorts of sizes. The bully could be bigger, taller, more aggressive, speak angrily with physical attributes or facial expressions and body language, all of them intimidating and menacing to many kids in schools. The majority of those in school quickly find out who the bullies are. Subsequently, they stay out of those kids' way, never speak ill of them, and some join them to avoid the consequences. Th...

Millennials' Flawed Thinking

Millennials' Flawed Education As you probably know, there was a survey or poll or whatever you want to call these silly "questionnaires," verbal or not, that came to the conclusion that 47% of millennials would want to live with socialism or communism. Unfortunately, the survey folks didn't give them the definition of these terms and left it to them to use their indoctrinated brains to form their communal definitions. So, socialism probably translated to "being social" or "sharing on social media." As for communism, they would probably translate that term to "community," you know, "community organizer" or "community benefits," all these soft, pleasing words that have been purposely and repetitiously used to sway young minds away from the actual definitions. Hey, Millennials, socialism doesn't mean "people being given the ability to choose for themselves" no matter what you learned in school. Socia...
                               IT WAS INEVITABLE Recently, the National Review voiced their opinion that Virginia’s election was all about what Virginians thought about President Trump and what he was doing. In fact, the reason for the Democrat win was predictable and may well be for many years to come, no matter who is POTUS and what he does. You see, America is divided. There is no question that some are conservative in nature and some are liberal. I don’t think anyone can make a fuss about that although I’m sure someone can and will. But, in the overall scheme of things some people are and some lean right and visa versa. As for anyone truly in the center, I doubt, with appropriate questioning, that person would be found truly a centrist. So, as I said, we have conservatives and liberals. In short, conservatives want less government, lower taxes, safer country and borders, individual responsib...




Finance Committee Chairman Offers Tax Reform Amendments to Senate Proposal Late yesterday, November 14th, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch released a Chairman’s modification to the Senate tax reform bill. While the 103-page document does strike a few proposals and modifies a number proposals, the bulk of the document is devoted to the addition of new proposals to the bill. Some of the included modifications and additions are provided below, the full Chairman’s modification can be   viewed here . New proposal to reduce the amount of the individual shared responsibility payment enacted under the ACA to zero effectively repealing the individual health mandate, effective after December 31, 2018 Modification of the 17.4% deduction for certain pass-through income by removing the 50% of W-2 limitation for taxpayers with taxable income below $500,000 (MFJ), $250,000 (others); and to allow the deduction to taxpayers with income from a specified service bu...

154 Years Ago Today

President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address on November 19th, 1863. It's widely regarded as one of the famous speeches in history, but how much do you know about it? Try your hand at these four trivia questions about 272 words that proved a speech doesn't have to be long to be memorable...  Who Wrote the Speech for Lincoln? Today, whenever a president gives a speech, you know that it has been written by a professional speechwriter - someone who actually studied the art of public speaking and knows the mechanics of delivering a great speech. But in 1863, things were done a little differently. It was, in fact, Abraham Lincoln himself who wrote the Gettysburg Address - every word of it. He finished the speech the night before he gave it and spoke from the heart. That's why it is still so powerful today. Why Is This Speech So Famous? Lincoln could have made the speech all about defeating the South and winning the war, but he did not. Instead, he geared the spe...
8 years of these two!!
                       DIAGNOSING FIBROMYALGIA Researchers have found that possibly two simple tests may help lead to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia more quickly than in the past. A useful  screening   test  was provided by: (1)  pain  on pinching the Achilles tendon at 4 kg/pressure over 4 seconds, and (2) and positive endorsement of the question "I have a persistent deep aching over most of my body". For more substantial diagnosis, subjects were assessed for tenderness to digital pressure at 9 other locations CONCLUSION: These results suggest that 2 tests, taking less than 1 minute, can indicate a probable diagnosis of FM in a  chronic   pain  patient. In the case of a positive screen, a follow-up examination is required for confirmation or refutation.
The left is perverse in almost everything they do and say. Every word out of their mouth is despicable and purposeful for some venomous political reason. Why? They have nothing to offer America other than lies, misinformation, division, derision, manipulation, fraudulent actions, and many actions that could be considered criminal.  If you consider yourself a Democrat, please re-evaluate your beliefs because you may have been manipulated to believe certain things that are not true. Please do not write this off as propaganda.  I know many of you are honest people but your beliefs have been swayed many years ago. Do your own research to check whether what you believe is indeed true. You will be surprised.
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Why have the Poobahs of the Black Lagoon-like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jon Cornyn, Lisa Murkowski and the rest been so quick to land on Judge Moore like a falling safe? For one simple reason: they despise genuine conservatives. I wouldn’t want these guys in a foxhole with me, and I certainly do not want them in Congress. Roy Moore discovered that the Swamp Creatures who make up the GOP establishment will toss you to the sharks the first chance they get and do it so fast it’ll give you a nosebleed. The senators who have dogpiled Moore – Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Jon Cornyn, Lisa Murkowski, and a host of other establishment types – are lawmakers, and certainly, know that the first principle of American jurisprudence is “innocent until proven guilty.” And yet on the basis of a single unsubstantiated witness dredging up something she claimed happened 39 years ago, Moore’s would-be colleagues have indicted him, prosecuted him, and condemned him to the Ninth Circle of Dante’s...
VIRGINIA GOES BLUE AGAIN?             A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS! Northern Virginia Government workers, illegals, felons, and the regressive GOP establishment's refusal to pass Obamacare repeal and an adequate tax reform bill, indoctrinated millennials, and a hatred for Trump propagandized by the biased media, all have captured Virginia despite being a conservative state overall (red). Unfortunately, RED seems to no longer represent conservativism, but communism!
Will We Learn From History? Multiculturalism has not been kind to countries embracing it. The United States may be the world’s oldest democracy, but it has nothing special over past nations that were, for periods of time, stable yet crumbled. If history is our guide, Athens, Rome, and other nations eventually either “destroyed” themselves, went bankrupt, or were overrun by “immigrants.” At this very time, our country seemingly is at a point of division we have never seen before. People will poopoo this idea, but, look around you, folks. Half the country, the liberal of us, is concentrated in “146 of our 3,000+ counties” — representing less than 10 percent of the U.S. land mass! They are called the Blue States. The other half, conservative “Red States” mostly in the interior of America, is culturally and politically separated from those living in Blue America. The two Americas differ in many ways. Just look at the books and music they read and listen to and even the TV...
Going Red With Solar And Wind We have been inundated for the last few decades about the evil fossil fuels and how we must use alternative energies to combat whatever we are supposed to be combatting. For decades, solar energy has been touted as the way to go. In fact, back in the 70’s, I actually bought a solar unit to heat water in my home in Vienna, VA. Yep, it heated the water most of the time, but I’m guessing the technology then wasn’t the best and I found out I wasted my money. Today is now and that was then. Solar is still being touted as the best way to go because the sun’s rays are free, right? According to the Department of Energy, solar creates more jobs than wind or coal! Only natural gas employs more people. Solar companies have 374,000 employees as compared to 100,000 for wind and 160,000 for coal (mining and coal-powered electricity generation). For those people consumed by protecting our environment, one would think this is a good thing. For the rest of us,...