Should We Accept The Words Of The Elite?
It has always been a conundrum to me as to why rich or famous people, those of the 1% or even the 2%, should believe that whatever they say should be gospel. We have the Hollywood elites performing this task every day for years, and now even the lowest of the low of the Hollywoodites are speaking up with vile, often vicious nonsense. They actually believe that just because they are “icons of the screen”, they deserve to use their fame and fortune to lecture to us from their golden cocoons hidden behind high walls and gates. These actors are not the only ones, either. There are CEOs who are voicing their opinions about what society should be doing often to ridiculous heights.
Often using fictitious and invented issues to support, they go out of their way to try to sway the “masses” that they really are intelligent with high IQs, and what they say is, and should always be, taken as the truth no matter what. Despite this enormous self-delusion, they are simply not necessarily good-looking people who can act, memorize lines, deliver them with believability, or very rich corporate “giants.” For these abilities, they are paid handsomely and, in many cases, extremely high amounts of money.
Please don’t get me wrong, I have no qualms with their livelihoods and their compensations. If someone is willing to pay a person whatever amount to perform a task, that’s the payor’s prerogative.
The payee has the right, under our Constitution, to speak his mind as well; however, it is not incumbent upon the audience to agree with or to support that payee despite what the payee may think.
Not all Hollywood is this way, but it sure seems that there is a very high percentage of these very cash ladened people trying to dictate their views to us and then consider our overt and demanding criticisms of their views inappropriate, racist, bigoted, and discriminatory. However, what is good for the goose is certainly just as good for the big mouth gander.
Let’s take a Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. Here’s a guy who possibly, and I repeat “possibly”, stole an idea and has made billions as a result. There is no concrete evidence, so I again have no qualms of his acquired fortune and fame. I have no opposition to him voicing his opinion either, but when he enters the arena of the questionable and sometimes downright argumentative issues, he should expect a torrent of criticism and backlash.
His latest foray into our lives is the idea of all (100%) people receiving a standard salary for just having a beating heart, Universal Basic Income. “We should have a society that measures progress not just by economic metrics like GDP, but how many of us have a role we find meaningful.....make sure everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.”
The idea behind this is that robots may replace a high percentage of the workforce in the future which would increase wealth inequality and therefore wealth distribution is going to be absolutely necessary. This wealth distribution idea is not new. I remind every one of Karl Marx, the father of communism; however, he thought people should own the means of production thereby allowing “workers” to obtain their needs, but Zuckerberg, being an entrenched greedy capitalist, wants the world’s capitalists, such as he, to retain that ownership and then elites would award everyone else the salaries they believe enough to meet the masses’ specific needs.
In fact, Marx actually predicted this: “In the process, capitalism would create new institutions that will undermine it – and that will be crucial elements in the system that will replace it.” Also, you do notice that there is no suggestion of “wants” and “desires” and “dreams” and “individuality” in either Marx’s or Zuckerberg’s statements. We have proof that in society, giving without expecting something in return is bound to establish an entitlement mentality that can promote laziness and apathy. Surely, there will be some people who this could benefit, but the majority will consider it a windfall and nothing else need be expected from them. But Zuckerberg, Elon and others seem to want to run a global government under these very same ideas.
These “ideas” have been proven wrong so many times in the past, they are basically silly and nonsensical. The elites should tone down their soapbox false expressions of “good for all” ideas until they can prove to us they have thought it out rationally without expecting to benefit themselves and really mean it.
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