The question nowadays is, “Could the Charlottesville riots and murder be avoided?” The simple answer is, “Certainly, but.....!” Yes, that’s correct, there is ample evidence that these riots could have been totally eliminated and more and more articles are being written urging folks not to let this investigation die on the vine. We have also seen evidence that Virginia Democrats in control of the Charlottesville riot investigation are juking, shifting and diving in order to cover up the evidence that Americans should know.
Evidence exists in subsequent news outlets and from police officers who were present, that there was definitely a “Stand Down” order to the police to the point that they even pulled back and out of the riot area by orders from above. It seems highly probable that the decision to allow the White Supremacists and the leftwing protestors groups (Antifa) to actually merge together was consciously acted upon to advance the left’s and Democrats’ false narrative that the Republicans and President Trump are, for some irrational reason, are at fault for everything.
President Trump was absolutely correct that both sides were at fault for the riot, violence, maiming and the murder of Heather Heyer and indirectly complicit in the deaths of State Troopers Bates and Cullen.
Of course, the left went ballistic with President Trump’s remarks, calling him every name in the foul mouth dictionary, then used his statements as gasoline on a fire to incite riots in Berkley, Boston, and San Fransisco.
This was not just an unexpected happening. Charlottesville officials were told about the possibility of malefic factions arriving in their city and that outbreaks of violence were very probable, but what did the mayor and the local police do about it? Seemingly nothing to the point of allowing the rival groups to come together without any monitoring or attempt to separate them. It was not, I repeat NOT, the police’s fault at all. After all, they are instructed by the Chief of police who is instructed by the mayor, and the governor, right? More news reports are stating that Virginia’s governor and other politicians were planning for weeks ahead what was to happen in the Charlottesville protests.
I know I will be chastised for saying these things and called a conspiracist but many articles are surfacing and now agreeing that the riot wasn’t pure happenstance. My critics will want evidence, and I say, “Do your own research, and you will easily find it if you really are interested.”
This riot was orchestrated, and investigations into the organizers of these groups should be deep and expansive. Who knows what evil and clandestine force is the creator of the Antifa, White Supremacists, the KKK, etc? It is becoming more and more obvious that these violent clashes all seem to have the same modus operandi, the same angry groups, and in some instances, the very same people appearing at these rallies just to incite mayhem and violence? It doesn’t take a brilliant mind to deduce that maybe, just maybe, there is one person and/or one group of people hell-bent on creating chaos in America. Why? To undermine, weaken, and hopefully collapse President Trump’s agenda, that’s why!
I have said it before, if the left, Democrats, Hollywood, and the greater percentage of the media can’t be successful in taking down President Trump, their power and very existence will fade into the woodwork and, in fact, weaken them and their progressive, big government, socialist ideology possibly forever.
You see, Americans are awakening and watching intently. They see the fake news, the false narratives, and the misinformation and lies being spread by the left every day, and now they are so wary and doubtful of the media who carry out the biddings of the left that Americans are turned off in droves with their purposeful shenanigans and distractions.
So what else is the left trying to do? With the removal of statues, protests, violence, and destruction of property, they are trying to weaken or eliminate the 1st Amendment. They do not like just about everything America stands for; therefore, it should be banned, including free speech as well as our national history. The left is very much a large part of slavery, they have fought to preserve it in the 1960’s, they created Jim Crow laws and the KKK, and they want to erase those memories from Americans.
The left is famous for creating problems, creating a long and confusing resolutions with new taxes and and onerous regulations and red tape to correct them, and then blaming others when they can’t resolve them.
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