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Showing posts from October, 2017
America and Virginia are in the Same Boat It has become almost certain that many Americans have no idea what is going on in Washington, D.C., or in the respective political parties. Anyone with common sense can see that America has suffered under an increasingly oppressive leadership bolstered by a multitude of power hungry, greedy, and egotistical representatives. Once lucid and understanding of the issues that must be addressed in this country, these people have been perverted by special interests groups such as environmentalists and union bosses, promises from the old guard, long-termed representatives of important committee assignments, and financial support for their future campaigns to be re-elected. Nothing, yes, nothing is farther from their minds than the interests, lives, and financial survival of their constituents. They have duped their supporters with false promises, spinning the issues, and blinding rhetoric to confuse yet make their supporters feel they care. ...
COULD IT BE? The other night, while flopping down in my recliner to watch some shows we had recorded, I was struck by something that all of these show series have in common. I wonder if you have also noticed this as well. Most of the time, I just sort of watch the show superficially, even dozing off occasionally. I would, at times, try to understand what some of the characters were really saying in their scripted lines. But now, it has come more apparent to me that we, as Americans, have, are, and will be victims of the TV show writers as they force us to take on the dysfunctionality of these characters that we are watching. The show I was watching presents us with 3 children, one girl, and two boys all born the same day, one child, a black boy abandoned at birth, being adopted by this white couple after the mother, expecting triplets, lost her third child the day she delivered the other two. From there, the series follows these kids in adulthood, alternating scenes back and...
Should We Accept The Words Of The Elite? It has always been a conundrum to me as to why rich or famous people, those of the 1% or even the 2%, should believe that whatever they say should be gospel. We have the Hollywood elites performing this task every day for years, and now even the lowest of the low of the Hollywoodites are speaking up with vile, often vicious nonsense. They actually believe that just because they are “icons of the screen”, they deserve to use their fame and fortune to lecture to us from their golden cocoons hidden behind high walls and gates. These actors are not the only ones, either. There are CEOs who are voicing their opinions about what society should be doing often to ridiculous heights. Often using fictitious and invented issues to support, they go out of their way to try to sway the “masses” that they really are intelligent with high IQs, and what they say is, and should always be, taken as the truth no matter what. Despite this enormous...
IT WASN’T BY CHANCE The question nowadays is, “Could the Charlottesville riots and murder be avoided?” The simple answer is, “Certainly, but.....!” Yes, that’s correct, there is ample evidence that these riots could have been totally eliminated and more and more articles are being written urging folks not to let this investigation die on the vine. We have also seen evidence that Virginia Democrats in control of the Charlottesville riot investigation are juking, shifting and diving in order to cover up the evidence that Americans should know. Evidence exists in subsequent news outlets and from police officers who were present, that there was definitely a “Stand Down” order to the police to the point that they even pulled back and out of the riot area by orders from above. It seems highly probable that the decision to allow the White Supremacists and the leftwing protestors groups (Antifa) to actually merge together was consciously acted upon to advance the left’s and Democ...
                        Hi, folks: Welcome to my blog! I have just created an RSS feed for my blog and will be discussing all sorts of things here. Most of my blog, in the past, has been on the political front but recently I have published 2 books I want everyone to be aware of. For those of you who do not know me or read anything I have written, I am a retired orthopedic surgeon. I was in private practice in Virginia for over 33 years, the last half of those years specializing in the shoulder surgery and knee arthroscopy. To my knowledge, I was one of the first orthopedists to scope a knee in Virginia in 1976 and the first to scope a shoulder in 1982 in Virginia.   I am a diplomat of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery since 1973, a founding member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons 1982, and a member of the Arthroscopy Association of North America. I have written...
An Open Letter To: CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, NYT, Washington Post, USA Today:   1. You said nothing when Obama used drone strikes to execute people abroad.   2. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated.   3. You said nothing about Hillary's campaign manager's brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia.   4. You said nothing when Obama engaged in military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval.   5. You said nothing when Obama greatly expanded presidential power through the use of Executive Orders.   6. You said nothing when Obama filled his White House with lobbyists after he said he wouldn't.   7. You said nothing when Obama gave 47 of his fund raisers Administration jobs.   8. You said nothing about the murders and rapes at the hands of illegal immigrants.   9. You said nothing when Hillary's net worth rose over $100 million as S...
Who’s paying all the taxes? President Trump has given Americans a look at his tax reform plans. It has lower income tax rates, and they are across the board. The corporate tax rate drops from 35% to 20%, the largest cut ever to this tax. The 35% was the highest corporate rate than any other country in the developed world. Supply-side economics experts believe this to be a “pro-growth and pro-jobs” plan. Supply Side Economics is defined as   “   economic   growth most effectively created by investing in capital and by lowering barriers to the production of goods and services.” “Barriers” include taxes and onerous regulations. Please understand that our yearly growth, the Gross Domestic Product, has been almost at a standstill for the last 7 years at a measly 2% per year. Basically, the GDP is   “a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a time period.   GDP  estimates are commonly used to determine the economic...