“Thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak.” Spoken by Obama yesterday!
Plain and simple truth: YOU ARE LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH!
You see, he can say anything now, anything, and his sycophants will believe it.
Even when it is so obvious as this, they believe it.
How do we stop it? Get the word out that as long as any Democrat is elected, this is the type of crap we will be hearing even after Obama is gone. Weak Americans have been infected by the lie and deceit bug for so long their belief system is diseased and irresponsive to truth.
Our only hope is the election of Tea Party Conservatives all over the nation. Any young, vibrant, patriotic, and passionate conservative should think hard about running for office and hooking up with the likes of Cruz and Lee to drive this nation away from dismal and unproductive socialism to accepting the truth and a future direction to prosperity for this nation.
For all of those who think about running, rest assured there are many unhappy people ready to support you against not only the Democrats but also against the old GOP establishment (McConnell, McCain, Boehner, Cantor, etc.) whose passion and rationale have been clouded to the point on non-recognition. The Tea Party has leaders who will not stand by and let the likes of Clinton and McAuliffe as their power hungry minions dump all over them personally and not lift a word in response. To wait to resond to some spurious comment is to admit it is true. Any disparaging remark must have an immediate rebuttal with an offensive tone challenging the other by exposing his or her inadequacies, and a continued barrage of exposing their lies for several days or even weeks depending on the urgency of the issue.
The GOP needs to set itself on a path of offensive attacks aimed at exposing the destructive and detrimental policies the Democrats covet. No longer can any Republican candidate continue campaigning with old worn out strategies that may have worked decades ago. Democrats never have the real issues at hand or really care about them and therefore always attack, vilify, disparage, and tell lie after lie and deceive their base and others gullible and uninformed enough not to see what they are doing. Negative ads and other attack modes have been used by Democrats successfully for years because Republicans refuse to step down to their level. This has been a mistake that needs sorely to be corrected for now on.
Fight fire with fire, and that should be a Tea Party mantra. No longer accept that the media is left supporting. Go on the offensive, as Gingrich, Cruz, and Lee did, and expose the moronic attitudes of the media everyday if possible. Show America, we can lead with great policies and explain the policies over and over so the least intelligent of Americans can understand why that policy is good for them and the nation as a whole. While doing so, show passion, show alternating intonations of verbal force and calmness within a speech or answer to a question at a town hall meeting so people will be impressed and be forced to listen. No more of this hum drum monotone verbiage through which insomniacs would sleep. Obama did it with oration and no truth. We can do it oration but with proven truth.
America is looking for leaders. Even some Democrats know they have a bunch of losers that are dangerous for our country. If you are one young man or woman who has the fire in your belly to stand up and say, "Here I am, I believe in America, and I will not take it anymore," we need you and many more like you to run in 2014 and/or 2016 for any office you can aspire to. You will be surprised at the support you will find.
You see, America needs many leaders like you to extinguish the light of despotism and the growing socialistic policies that have been gradually being lit for the last 50 years in Washington, D.C.
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