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Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged

The state of Virginia has reversed its past conservative stance recently. What is disconcerting is Northern Virginia voters, mostly employed by the federal government, are determining all of Virginia's future.

The rest of Virginia must be educated and get out and VOTE to counteract Northern Virginian's grasp on us.

Ken Cuccinelli of the Republican Party, Terry McAuliffe of the Democrat Party, and Robert Sarvis are vying for the governorship. The difference between the three is huge. Cuccinelli, a Committed Conservative, endorsed by The Northern Virginia Technology Council and Ron Paul, is a true leader with well thought out plans on every level to rescue Virginia from socialism.

McAuliffe, known for “enthusiastic embellishment” of facts (Washington Post, 10/8/13), and being a “Huckster” (his own autobiography) and a Constant Campaigner with no governing experience, supports Obama's gun control, Obamacare, wealth redistribution, EPA regulations severely affecting Virginia's coal industry, and now ready to bring “extreme” big-D.C.-government politics and Obama's policies to Richmond. His main theme has been constant hammering on a made-up “war on women” to gain the unsuspecting woman vote. Virginia is a test state for this Democrat campaign tactic in future elections.

Mr. Sarvis is for gun control through reforming drug laws, supports legalizing marijuana and gay marriage, and providing tax relief and job growth.

For Lieutenant Governor: E.W. Jackson, a Marine, the only non-politically connected candidate and true constitutionalist is driven by an innate, heart-felt desire to serve Virginia after witnessing the decline of conservative and moral values.

The Democrats have Ralph Northam, a doctor and state senator. His campaign focuses on social issues instead of job creation, Virginia's economy, and education. As a member of the Education and Health Committee, he supports Obamacare. He advocates the Democrat fabricated issue, “the attack on women,” a federal issue not state. He also avoids Republican's vowing no restrictions on contraception, supporting abortion clinic health and safety standards, and actively eliminating violence against women.

Running for Attorney General, we find two State Senators: Republican Mark Obenshain, and Democrat Mark Herring. Obenshain promoted the Photo ID for voting in Virginia as well as having conservative ideals whereas Herring has only distorted and disparaged Obenshain's record, offering nothing of substance.

Many of the Founding Fathers were from Virginia. They adhered to the conservative values of family, limited government, individualism, and success through hard work and dedication. With these values declining, Virginians are faced with very important decisions this November 5th.

It is important, no, imperative, that Virginians understand their choices:

As Governor:

Ken Cuccinelli, a Committed Conservative, a man with a specific agenda for a higher level of prosperity, fiscal stability, creating jobs, educating our kids, and moral values. His track record is one that any politician would desire. His name and deeds has been vilified and demonized by Democrats because his they have no one who can measure up.

Mr. McAuliffe, a “huckster” by his own admission and arguably successful as a national campaigner for the DNC, has no history of leadership other than raising funds for others and using negative ads and attack tactics of distorting opponent's records to deceive uninformed voters. 4 out every 5 dollars he receives come from radical environmentalists, union bosses, and California billionaires, exposing minimal financial support in Virginia.

Or Mr. Sarvis wants to expand personal freedoms, but his track record is relatively unknown.

As Lieutenant Governor: E.W. Jackson, a conservative, dedicated volunteer with no political strings attached, who has entered the race to uphold the Constitution and do what is right for all Virginians, not just specific groups, or Ralph Northam, a politician depending only on negative personal attacks.

As Attorney General:

Mark Obenshain, endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police and Richmond Times Dispatch, and a proven strong conservative of principle who will fight for all Virginians, or Mark Herring, proving himself a follower of the Democrat Party line.

November 5th will decide if YOU can uphold the ideals of your Founding Fathers.

Know Your Candidates, please choose wisely, then turn out with friends, family, and SHOW EVERYONE YOU CARE. VOTE ON NOVEMBER 5TH.
