Recently, D.C. police uncovered “one box of Knight bullets for reloading” in a law abiding citizen's home raid because an estranged wife said the citizen threatened her which turned out to be false. $10,000 worth of damage was caused by the raid. These bullets were actually not for reloading, but are used for an antique-replica muzzle-loading rifle. He now faces two year in prison for the ammunition that was “uncovered” in the raids on his home. While the citizen does not keep his guns with him in D.C., he is now treated as a criminal. Meanwhile, celebrities like NBC’s David Gregory get a free pass when they flout the law on national television.No prosecution was brought against Mr. Gregory based on the events associated with the December 23, 2012 broadcast because "it would not serve the best interests of the people of the D.C." It seems like these very same reasons could be used to exonerate the D.C. resident.
Folks, you are watching what happens when liberals take over. The civil rights they pretend to defend evaporate when there is no one left to oppose them. When there are no conservatives left to stand and fight, the jackbooted liberals simply do as they wish. They rob people of their wealth and then remove their Constitutional Rights with the very police their taxes pay for.
If we, here in Virginia, are not careful and allow Mr. McAuliffe to become Governor and ram gun control down our throats, then law abiding Virginia residents could suffer the same fate as this D.C. resident.
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