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Tom Hanks' Unbelievable Obama Documentary

Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged
The Obama campaign has enlisted the help of Hollywood and Tom Hanks to make a mini-documentary on how awesome Barack Obama’s Presidency has been. Of course, he’s been so horrific a president it makes sense he’d need to recruit people who make stuff up for a living to promote himself. Why’d they select that name, "The Road We've Traveled.? 

This name  is similar to a a book written in 1942 by a Stuart Chase, a FDR fan, spouting the good of centralized government and an executive arm growing at the expense of the legislative and judicial arm. He suggested the word "New Deal" for FDR and called the book, "The Road We Are Traveling."  He espoused abandonment of the gold standard, underwriting of food, housing, and medical care by the government, and control of banking as well as control of foreign trade, natural resources, energy, agricultural production, organized labor, COMMUNITY SERVICE, etc.

Now, do you think, Tom Hanks just came up with the present name of the purely propaganda documentary for Obama, or do you think, Tom Hanks is and knows Obama is pushing this country into more of the PROGRESSIVE and MARXIST mode of political take-over toward an oligarchy

Even liberal minded Hollywood type, Piers Morgan asked Hanks, "What are the negatives in your movie about Barack Obama?" obviously having viewed it and found none.                                                                     

Hanks' answer is an ABSOLUTE SHOCKER and reveals the warped minds of die-in-the-wool liberals!!                                                       "The negative for me was there were too many accomplishments....." 
Morgan continued, "Oh, come off it. can't say that with a straight face. 
Hanks answers," I'm looking at you now with a straight face."

Here is an additional bit of information about this propaganda film:
1. The picture of Barack Hussein Obama with his grandparents has been proven to be Photo Shopped.
2. The story about his mother’s problem with health insurance has been debunked.
3.Your comments on GM paying back all the money to the taxpayer is a complete lie.  The U.S. government still owns 26.5 percent of the company and is waiting for the share price to rise before selling in an effort to recoup the bailout money.
4.As to his claim that GM is the number one auto maker in  the world,  is again a misstatement,;neglecting to mention, GM’s sales number were based on sales by both GM and its joint ventures in China, which aren’t wholly owned subsidiaries.  Had it not been for the Earth quake and nuclear reactor melt down in Japan Toyota would still be the number on car manufacturer in the world
5. 3.5 million private sector jobs created?    What about the 24 million unemployed,underemployed with part time menial work, or those dropping out of the hunt for a job do to your failed economic policies? 
   Gosh, I wonder what other "inaccuracies" (blatant "LIES") exist in this film!!

Ladies and gentlemen, please recognize how Hollywood types are so out of touch and insanely in love with Obama and how progressively totalitarian they aspire the government to be. People like these "elite" rich and psychologically in love with name recognition, wealth, and power are pouring money and time into re-electing Obama, even if they have to lie and deceive Americans.

America, we have no choice but to finally stand up to these despicable deceitful lying ingrates.                       We must fight these losers and fight them hard and long well past the 2012 election. They will never give up and the apathy, indifference, and total self-centerness of Americans can no longer be acceptable. We must work together to rid ourselves of this sick, diseased, demented, power hungry minority that is in the position to take over our lives, liberties, and freedoms.

You have heard this before, WAKE UP, AMERICA.
Well, it is more meaningful now than ever.
If you do not make yourself question the "pseudo-authority" of this ever-increasing power greedy government of Obama, than YOU ARE THE PROBLEM AND YOU DESERVE THE END RESULT.

