A Maryland resident was denied the renewal of his gun permit even after his home was invaded by a burglar who he held at bay with his shotgun. The burglar, being from a liberal state, was convicted and placed on probation soon to assault a police officer while trying to burglarize another home. The police arrived 2.5 hours later for the Maryland resident's call to 911. The state police found "no good or substantial reason" and felt the resident showed "no evidence to support apprehended fear" as their reasoning behind their refusal to renew. The burglar also lived only 3 blocks from the resident's home!
After appealing this decision through several liberal reviews, the resident case was finally heard by a judge.
A Judge Benson Legg ruled in part:
“A citizen may not be required to offer a good and substantial reason why he should be permitted to exercise his rights. The right‘s existence is all the reason he needs.”
Bingo! Judge Legg hits the nail on the hammer. Of course, the Second Amendment’s mere existence is enough to secure the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” A right that “shall not be infringed.”
Judge Legg also said in part:
“In addition to self-defense, the (Second Amendment) right was also understood to allow for militia membership and hunting. To secure these rights, the Second Amendment‘s protections must extend beyond the home: neither hunting nor militia training is a household activity, and ‘self-defense has to take place wherever [a] person happens to be’.”
Bingo! Judge Legg hits the nail on the hammer, again. The ruling acknowledges the right of persons to be able to protect themselves wherever they are. This victory is monumental because it sets a precedent that says: a. The Second Amendment in and of itself is enough to honor our right “to keep and bear Arms”; and b. The Second Amendment applies to the person, not the venue.
After the Court’s decision, on March 5, Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb in a press release issued the following statement, in part:
“The federal district court has carefully spelled out the obvious, that the Second Amendment (SAF) does not stop at one’s doorstep, but protects us wherever we have a right to be. Once again, SAF’s attorney in this case, Alan Gura, has won an important legal victory. He was the attorney who argued the landmark Heller case, and he represented SAF in our Supreme Court victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago.”
“Judge Legg’s ruling takes a substantial step toward restoring the Second Amendment to its rightful place in the Bill of Rights, and provides gun owners with another significant victory,” Gottlieb concluded. “SAF will continue winning back firearms freedoms one lawsuit at a time.”
Hooray for the Second Amendment Foundation!
Since this incident and ruling came from one of the most liberal states in the union, it is guaranteed the Maryland State Police will appeal Legg’s ruling, and the case will continue onward.
Gun control minions are the bane of the gun owners Second Amendment rigets. They are so intent on disarming the population to gain control of Americans, they will stop at nothing, even defacing the Constitution, in their quest to do so.
Arm up, Americans, learn how to carry and shoot only when absolutely necessary, but always be ready and alert.
There are lunatics and crazed individuals who are willing
to take advantage of you and
then there are also the criminals to be aware of!
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