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Obama's Executive Order: Dictatorial or Protective

Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged

I am not usually one of those pundits who like to predict the future, but I am going out on a limb here and suggest the possibility of Obama becoming nervous about his re-election. His recent decree or executive order to institute martial law at will or his whim without any catastrophe or foreign attack has gotten me thinking why.

Why would the president use his power to usurp more power?

Simply to be able to control American resources in time of problems HE deems destructive: Americans, conservatism, freedom, liberty, and individual property rights and liberty or is it for foreign invasions or war with Iran?

Obama’s National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the president authority to approve the dispensing of all domestic energy, production, transportation, food, and water supplies as he deems necessary to protect national security.

Indeed, the order conveys the authority of the president to “to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders [other than contracts of employment] to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense.”

Moreover, the order conveys such power to the heads of the following six federal agencies:

  • Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer
  • Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy
  • Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources
  • Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation
  • Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources.
  • Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

He can now institute martial law and even CANCEL ELECTIONS!! Yes, CANCEL ELECTIONS!! Why would he ever do that. Well, if he has the power and can do it, he will do it. But doesn't he need a reason? Not really, but he can invent one, organize one, say, decide to take matters in his own hands when a large number of violent youths and disgruntled "occupy type" individuals become so organized that they can affect "citizens' rights" in multiple cities!! It seems the emergency does not need to be foreign.

Gosh, folks, those organized groups have already been causing disruptions all over the country and have promised to return this spring and summer. If these groups are more purposely well funded, say by Soros et al, more purposely organized, purposely larger in number because they are now paid or promised something for their efforts, and supported by the public unions and their money, it is not out of the realm of possibility, even probability, for Obama to watch them grow in incivility, violence, and physical destruction, and police being harmed.

He then can order martial law, say, around the time of November, 2012, and stating the fear of more uprising, riots, and personal attacks, and thereby cancel elections. This, my friends, is now a distinct possibility.

Americans, beware of this man. His innate desire to control everything in this country is becoming deafeningly evident. Proponents would say that he is protecting us in case we have the blow-up in the Middle East where Israel attacks Iran to destroy their nuclear capabilities, and this could be true, but it does not eliminate his ability to use this order domestically for other means.

He no longer tries to be deceitful and hidden in his ideology. It is now transparent and glowingly blatant to me.

Americans must educate themselves, watch this man speak and listen carefully to what he says. Much of it is lies, spin, and propaganda, but there are times, when he can expose his evil despicable attitude towards America. Is this one of them?

Another article about the same issue:

4 more years of Obama is 40 more years 
of his destructive anti-American policies!
After that, America will no longer be our America.


  1. This is way too scary to have rolling around in my head!!! Especially since I'm reading a book about hitler right now and how he manipulated things to suit his own cause.


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