The GOP debates are no longer about America or against Obama and his sick policies. Newt and Mitt are beating each other up to the delight of Obama and the MSM media. The democrats are hoarding plenty of old and new ammunition to blast the GOP candidate while Obama continues unfettered and unvetted, sitting fat and happy in the Oval Office.
Mitt felt he was floating easily to victories in SC and FL. Now he is not so sure. Why? Newt attacked him. He may well get FL, but he has changed his modus operandi debate style to an attack on Newt instead of staying on message. Florida is a winner-take-all state where only registered Republicans can vote in the primary. So, winning here is a big step. The race is statistically tied. What should a candidate do now?
The problem here is that the GOP has no truly passionate candidate who remains solid on his issues and all subjects brought up. Ron Paul does have these attributes, but his foreign policy scares people although there is some good there as well.Unfortunately, the GOP has to bring in as many independents as possible, and the bickering rather than in depth dissecting of Obama's failed presidency has the propensity to hold independents back, at least for now .I don’t see one candidate fighting to expose the insincerity and despicable record of Obama.. Santorum has seized upon the one-on-one fight between Mitt and Newt and stayed pretty well on his message, but his coffers are minimal and may be too small to get his message out, especially in FL.
My advice to these men is to stick to the issues that will sink Obama. His lies, his ineptitude on many decisions made in office, especially the Keystone Pipe Line, his record on spending, his continued unabated increase in government regulations and pure size of it, his record on the devastating national debt, his continued attack of the Constitution, his weakness in foreign affairs, abysmal Obamacare and how it will affect the already dwindling health care in America, and his socailist/Marxist ideology and people with whom he surrounds himself. One will remember his stating that he will need more agencies and committees to control his policies in the State of the Union message while at the same time calling for reduction in the size of government. There are so many more issues here at stake, and the GOP allows these two just to scream and taunt each other to the point that the public can't believe in anything they say. This soft peddling on Obama's record will re-elect him in November.
However, there is a catch here. Thank the Lord. Obama and his lemmings can’t spend a dime on anything if Congress doesn’t appropriate it. The Constitution clearly specifies that every spending bill must originate in the House of Representatives. If enough Tea Party favorites retain their seats and enough new ones join them, the House can hold up any appropriations it wants. And if the GOP can regain the Senate, which it is on the verge of doing, maybe we can get a grid lock on Obama and tie his hands for another 4 years; however, it will be difficult maybe excruciating, to hear his voice every day for that period of time.
I am a member of a republican group in my area, and I have seen the some old guard rigidity and protection of power even in the lower echelons of the GOP. There is a inner desire to keep that power that overrides the betterment of America. This type of self centered seeking of power definitely exists higher up, and this is exactly what needs to be eliminated with new blood and passion for a more prosperous America.
There could be a possibility of a veto proof Senate. How glorious would that be for America. This is where we must put our money. Money and donations of time for Republican senatorial candidates will benefit America far more than propping up the presidential candidate. I believe that our future definitely lies in the Senate races where we must win the majority and go on to have 60 Republican senators to fight off vetoes from the Occupier-in Chief.
I would have liked to have seen true Americans like Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels, Haley Barbour and a bunch of others I could name? I am not enthused by the final four, but I will back the winner for sure. We lost in 2008 with a loser of a candidate, didn't we. Will we do it again? I believe the possibility looms quite large.
Get involved. Know the issues. Study your senatorial candidates. Ask the tough questions. Elect the most conservative, young, aggressive and well spoken people you can. We need to not only reactivate our base but minimize the old guard and its archaic mentality.
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