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Do You Want Schools To Indoctrinate Your Child?

Do you know about Sen. Al Franken's bill S. 555 and Rep. Jared Polis' bill H.R. 998. "These are federal legislations that require schools to teach homosexuality and the acts performed by homosexuals. These bills will indoctrinate American children with a homosexual agenda and will diminish traditional values of American society." 

These bills actually will tend to be recruited by homosexual perverts in public schools. Franken has a video in which he blames suicide among homosexual teens on school bullies and he leans heavily on this as he gains support from misinformed representatives who now support his bill. 

If these bills are passes, teachers will be forced our children to accept homosexuality rather than traditional values of their parents. Your children will be sexually "re-educated." In Washington, D.C., homosexuals are pushing pro-gay bills on elementary children very quietly. Franken and his group are trying to re-educate innocent and gullible children to believe that homosexuality is a good way of life rather then understanding the man and woman relationship that is the cornerstone of American culture.

The following reasons are why such bills should never be passed.
Please contact your representatives to show your opposition to these disdainful bills. 

  1. Parents, and parents alone, should educate their children about the morality of sexual preferences and identity, not the government, and not pro-homosexual educators who recruit kids in violation of their parents’ religious values.
  2. School should remain an unbiased place of learning for all our nation’s children. These two bills are not unbiased since they force pro-homosexual views on families who oppose them.
  3. Schools should be safe places of learning. These bills endanger our children and give special protected rights to perverts while denying the majority of children the right to express moral or religious opposition to the inherent immorality of the homosexual lifestyle.
  4. Most children in the early grades of education have no idea what sex is, let alone what alternative sex is. These bills will force prematurely force sexual topics on young children causing confusion and warping their minds against the wishes of their parents.
  5. Equal rights is at stake here. Everyday children are denied religious freedom in school for praying or taking pro-Jesus stands in schools because a small minority is offended, yet these bills propose to offend the vast majority of American families.
  6. These bills are against the will of the American people and should NOT be forced on our kids by the tyranny of a very small minority
Information by Chaplin Gordon James Klingenschmitt
