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War Declared on Doctors?

                                                  "Obama and the liberal agenda will kill Americans."
                                                            An astounding declaration, but so very true.
                           Read the following and if you are a democrat, maybe you should change your mind 
                                                   especially since you, too, are growing older everyday.

                                            OBAMA DECLARES WAR ON DOCTORS
                                                   By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN
                                                            Published on
                <> on October 26, 2011

"The worst fears about "OBAMACARE" are now being realized in a decision on
Monday by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MPAC), established by the
law to supervise $500 billion in Medicare cuts.  "MPAC, whose decisions have
the force of law, has voted to impose drastic pay cuts on all doctors under
Medicare and, by extension, under Medicaid (which tends to follow suit)".
The cuts will effectively reduce the real pay for specialists by 50% over
the next ten years --- including a 25% reduction over the next three years
-- and cut general practitioners' pay by one-third over ten years (and that
assumes that inflation stays down at 3% a year).

MPAC has ruled that specialists must accept a 6% cut in their fees per year
for each of the next three years followed by a seven year freeze in their
fees without any adjustment for inflation.  If inflation stays very low --
at 3% per year -- this cut amounts to an 18% cut in nominal pay and a 50%
cut in real pay for specialists.  General practitioners will face a ten year
freeze on their pay, reducing their real compensation by one-third assuming
ongoing low inflation.  Higher inflation, of course, would make the cuts in
real pay even more drastic.

"The consequences of the MPAC decision will be immediate and drastic":

* Many physicians, and many more specialists, will refuse to treat Medicare
patients.  It will become very, very difficult to see a cardiologist or an
oncologist or a gastroenterologist or OB-GYN specialist if you are on
Medicare unless you are willing to pay out of pocket or have the kind of
health insurance coverage from a private source that would reimburse for
their care.
* More and more medical care will be turned over to nurses or physician
assistants, and fewer people will ever get to see a doctor on Medicare.
* Private health insurers will follow in the footsteps of the Medicare
program and likely slash their fees as well.
* Fewer students will enter medicine, and a major shortage of doctors will
reduce the quality of medical care in America drastically.
The MPAC cuts will bring American doctors' incomes more into line with
European doctors who typically earn half or less of what their American
counterparts earn -- and deliver worse medical care as a result.
We have got to stop these MPAC cuts from taking effect.  The very future of
Medicare and of our entire health care system is at stake.  If they are
allowed to stand, Medicare will become akin to Medicaid or public housing --
a program for poor people who cannot afford to pay for medical care from
specialists outside the system."
