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The Insensitivity Of It All

Obama has shown his true colors once again. He is not pulling any punching on his full fledged campaign to inhabit the White House. Yes, that's all he can do, inhabit. He certainly has no abilitiy to lead. He has done nothing positive in 3 years for America.

He even can't say when the Iraq war is over. One day he says, “Today” and the next day, he says, “This Month.” He can not get himaelf to say the word, “Victory”, and when he give thanks to people who fought the war, 4500 Americans did not come home, he first listed the Iraqi people before our troops. He also had the audacity to invite a former Iranian Guard leader, respsonsible for 19 Americans dead in Saudi Arbia bombing to the White House for a ceremony “Ending the Iraq War.”

This man is a true embarrassment to America, and he really doeasn't care who knows it. He flaunts his Marxist and communistic ideology everyday like a high school cheer leading girl without the pompoms, using a teleprompter instead. Such an unvetted, unapologetic, self-centered, rigid, arrogant individual has never inhabited our White House, and hopefully never will for the future centuries to come.

It is my hope that Americans finally understand the enormous, purely emotional and very disturbing voting mistake they made in 2008, a day of infamy.

Overall, I find this article another “MUST READ” for those who need facts and to educate themselves of the truths that are so absent in the main stream media, today.

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