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Power Often Leads to Corruption

This is a letter sent out by Dudley Brown, Executive Director of National Association for Gun Rights. The gist of this whole letter is that if you allow a government official too much power and prestige, they feel that they are too elite and above the law. Politicians and other elected officials, as a group, have the most chances to be coerced into the temptation of accepting minor "compensations" as they serve their terms. There are some who have the willpower and proper sense of duty to not cross the line and continue to perform well for their country. Then, there are some who go overboard, lose their sense of decency, and become evil to the core. We have witnessed this type of behavoir in many officials over the decades, and this is the story of another:

You know what they say about absolute power corrupting absolutely…

One of the reasons I am so opposed to the government being involved in our Second Amendment rights is that it takes the power away from you and puts it in their hands.
In the hands of people like the former Republican Sheriff of Arapahoe County, Colorado, Patrick Sullivan. He has made a habit of helping out groups like the Brady Campaign when it came to preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.

He even testified before Congress for Handgun Control in favor of the Brady bill.

During his 18-year tenure as Arapahoe County Sheriff, Sullivan was a poster boy for big government and was bestowed the title of national “Sheriff of the Year” in 2001 for his efforts at infringing our 2nd amendment rights -- even at a national level. 
Whenever she needed him, Sarah Brady trotted out Sheriff Pat Sullivan as a token Republican who wanted to impose gun control on America -- and it worked. Our nation still lives under the insidious scheme of the Brady Act (which, incidentally, violates the Constitutional prohibition of infringing on the right to keep and bear arms). It is the cornerstone of most gun controls laws and policies..
Sheriff Sullivan was also famous for trying to buy off local Colorado gun rights activists with a “buddy” concealed carry permit (when permits were almost impossible to acquire). In 1995 Sullivan offered a gun activist a permit, attempting to buy his inactivity in the battle for concealed carry in Colorado.

On Tuesday Sullivan was arrested for dealing meth to a drug-dealing, male prostitute-seeker.
Former Sheriff Sullivan is now sitting in the Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Facility. That’s right. He’s sitting in the jail named for his honor (How Ironic, eh?).

And this is the kind of person the Brady Campaign champions and used to testify as an “expert”? (Another person not well vetted by the left. Um, who could be the other?)

I would like to tell you that I’m shocked, but you’re smart enough to know better. This is why I am always skeptical of any politician who seeks more control, not less. They are out for personal gain and they will get it at your expense.
Sheriff Sullivan has trampled on citizen's rights for years. He was one of the main obstacles to passing concealed carry in Colorado.

Yet apparently the anti-gun crowd thinks men like this should set a standard for who can own a gun and who can’t.
While this may be dismissed by some as just another corrupt cop, the fact is that he has been personally involved in the fight against your Second Amendment rights.
And he was successful at it.

It’s a pure travesty of justice that a man like Sullivan could be given such authority to prevent you from your own rights, but without standing up to power, it’s like I said at the beginning -- it corrupts.

I make it my pledge to you, the gun owner, to stand up against jack-booted thugs like Patrick Sullivan at every turn, regardless of position or party affiliation.

Are you with me?

   For Freedom,"

   Dudley Brown
   Executive Director

John Ransom, Townhall Finance Daily, has stood up and told it like it is as well. The corruption of politicians and their continued thumbing their noses at the very constituents they represent should get them jail sentences, but their peers will only slap their wirsts knowing full they may get their turn soon.,_soros,_waters,_paulson,_frank,_pelosi,_no_one/page/1

P.S.- I won't even mention Blago!!!
