Common Sense Dead?
deciding what to write about this week, I thought of how common sense
seems to be absent in much of today's life. When you hear such silly
and inane statements such as, “you'll have to pass the bill to see
what's in it" or “go outside and shoot a shotgun twice in the
air,” I begin to wonder if common sense will ever be a part of life
again. From Thomas Payne to today, many people have written on the
subject. Some from a purely intellectual view point and others from a
purely “tongue in cheek” attitude.
way, the authors are concerned about the loss of common sense that
seems to be quite pervasive in our world today. Common Sense is
defined as “sound
and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or
facts.” The key here is the word “simple,” meaning “readily
suspect “common sense” could be conceived as understanding a
situation or facts, their consequences, and acting or responding
reasonably to them in a sensible period of time.
course, there are many others who have been dumbed down for so long
that common sense no longer is available to them. I believe this
sensibility is innate, and life plus one's surroundings nurture it or
destroy it. As a physician for over 40 years now, I witnessed the
loss of common sense in my practice over the years. Questions from
and responses to questions from patients have become more and more
bizarre over these last two decades. It is as if some strange process
has grown within the minds of the populace. Once considered
intelligent and educated people have become seemingly irrational to
the most obvious of issues.
has happened to common sense? In my opinion, and I'm sure there will
be folks who disagree, several causes are evident. The nurturing of
common sense by parents and family has been diminished and maybe
dismantled. Parents are too busy to concentrate on expanding rational
thought in their children relying on schools and teachers who are too
busy with their "dumbing down"curriculum to bother
developing this important sensibility. Giving kids the chance to
figure out for themselves what is to be and what should not be is a
basis for developing common sense. Schools don't to have the time or
knowledge to do either.
enormous overburdening of Americans by laws, regulations, rules,
edicts, and orders stifles the imagination, another component of the
common sense. Just the presence of those entities causes
consternation, bewilderment, fear of making a mistake, and keeping
oneself under the radar for fear of being exposed as an smart
individual, all adding to protecting ourselves rather than allowing
us to make decisions based on well founded instincts. A better way of
saying it is, without Common Sense, we equivocate or beat around the
bush and never to come to any decisions on our own.
look at Congress. Is there anyone there that doesn't equivocate? This
is a political art form now and a must to continue one's career.
Anyone who stands for principle and uses common sense to establish a
conclusion is maligned and attacked. Repeatedly attempting to support
policies that have been proven wrong over decades
illustrates no common sense. Our country would be better off if
politicians would only use it. The complete lack of it is most
evident in their daily microcosm of Washington, DC. When it comes to
politics, common sense seems to have been subordinated or totally
eliminated by irrational party platforms.
you ever been in a situation where the rules are the rules and
nothing can change them even if the rules are imbecilic and archaic,
and no one pipes up to challenge them.? How about the veteran with
both arms amputated being asked for fingerprints before cashing a
check? A child suspended for chewing a pop-tart in the possible form
of a gun? How about a congressman fearing the island of Guam may tip
over because there may be too many people on it? The high
school student reprimanded for wearing an American flag on his shirt
because it may offend someone? Who? Americans? The congresswoman who
stated 170 million jobs would be lost because of the sequester when
only 150 million people are actually working?
heard all of these. What is lacking here? Yep, No Common Sense. The
ability to just think simply and understand one's thoughts before
speaking is another aspect of it.
common sense died? Does it ever have a chance of being resurrected?
Only you can make that decision. I hope you have the common sense to
do so.
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