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America and Virginia are in the Same Boat

Doctor Toms Rant - Blogged

It has become most certain to me that many Americans have no idea what is going on in Washington, D.C., or in the respective political parties. Anyone with commonsense can see that America has suffered under a increasingly oppressive leadership bolstered by a multitude of power hungry, greedy, and egotistical representatives. Morals and personal responsibilities have suffered. Once lucid and understanding of the issues that must be addressed in this country, these people have been perverted by special interests groups such as environmentalists and union bosses, promises from the old guard, long-termed representatives of important committee assignments, and financial supports for their future campaigns to be re-elected.

Nothing, yes, nothing is further from their minds than the interests, lives, and financial survival of their constituents. They have duped their supporters with false promises, spinning the issues, and blinding rhetoric to confuse yet make their supporters feel they care. They don't. Yes, there are a few, but even these numbers are dwindling in favor of outright power and being among the “elite.” These pariahs twist and bend in the wind of politics, flying which ever way they can to appear as being concerned, but it is all a ruse.

The unfortunate part of it is that Americans are so gullible and uninformed that they fall for all the smoke and mirrors, vote, and then seep back into the darkness allowing these representatives to bicker and fight for their best political advantage without one iota of concern for the most precious issues that confront the average American. Citizens don't understand how badly their freedoms and liberties have been suppressed and, in some areas, totally eliminated as the regime in place for the last 5 years has kept America in a continuing flux of disappointment, unconstitutional edicts and executive orders, and disastrous and severely onerous governmental regulations, all of which have cost billions of dollars with nothing in return but for political collateral.

The elite and these politicians favor only certain special interests and public unions for this is where their power at the voting booths come from. They are not trying to fix anything because anything that is broken actually makes their lives more profitable, both financially and politically if they play their cards right.

And what does that give the American people? NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE! Just look at the “train wreck” called Obamacare. Over 300 or more waivers from this unbelievably disastrous law have been issued to corporations and unions, but not one has been given to an American family. Think about it. Every American is at the bottom of the heap, not able to reap the benefits of anything the elitist politicians have to offer.

The regime's actions are now invading all the other areas of the federal government and also many states. People with ties to their national party for years by supporting their ridiculous and failed policies, are now being paid back and supported by national committees by placing them in races for governorship even though they have not a bit of experience to governing. Virginia is one of these states. The citizens of these states are being hoodwinked and fooled by the old political ploys of divisiveness and vilification of opponents that have been swallowed and regurgitated by the elitists for decades, and it continues today.

Our representatives have turned on us and usurped their own political careers as more important than our lives and livelihoods. Our families are suffering, our prosperity has been deep-sixed, our healthcare has been infected, our abilities to grow have been stymied at every level by seemingly purposeful costly regulations, and our children's education has been transformed from an intellectual exercise to a indoctrination of progressive ideas.

When will Americans and Virginians wake up and understand that the only way to change the country and the State of Virginia lies in their hands, WE THE PEOPLE not turncoat representatives or ones that will act as puppets for their national committees!
It behooves every American and every Virginian to understand the severe consequences that are born from elections in which citizens vote without understanding the real reasons why the candidates are running.

Are they running for their own power or for your betterment? You should know the answer before voting. You control the results.
