Any Jew that hasn't left the Democratic party as I did is either deaf,
blind or dumb.
The Democratic party stinks from the head like a dead fish.
My old party is infected with anti- Semitism.
It is high time to leave as a protest to regain some honor lost when
US Jews voted for Roosevelt who closed the doors of escape to
Jews in the European inferno.
Today it is no different.
Anti Semites Obama and Hilary rejoice at The Islamic Brotherhood
win in Egypt, call Turkey a friend and ally. They used to call Assad a
reformer! Today the conference on terror gathered by anti- Semite
Obama of course excluded Israel from it.
Is there another nation that suffered more, longer from relentless Islamic terror?
Is there another nation that has more experience in fighting that terror?
Yet US Jews will still vote for this anti- Semite Obama!
It is sickening!
I have often wondered on this blog why the American Jews vote
with the democrats. Is it that they want more oppression?
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