"Earlier today, in Washington, President Obama (whose own budget failed in the House by a vote of 0-414) said the Path to Prosperity is a “Trojan horse” for “social Darwinism.” (Social Darwinism is a belief, popular in the late Victorian era in England which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die. Obviously we are more civilized and more connected to our brethren; however, Obama feels that reverse is true. By attacking and demeaning those with money, education and entrepreneurship and desiring these riches be spread to the less fortunate, he is creating a society that is more easily oppressed by the elite political group left standing.) But not once did the President show the leadership that is required to put forward solutions of his own.
The President didn’t offer any clarity in his latest speech about what he would do to tackle our nation’s debt before it tackles us and it's still not clear how he’ll keep Medicare from going bankrupt. One thing is clear though, Barack Obama isn’t interested in governing or putting forward solutions to fix our nation’s problems.
Remember last month when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told me directly “We don’t have a definitive solution...we just don’t like yours.” The Democrats think they have a winning strategy by simply attacking our proposals. I refuse to “play it safe” by waiting until the election is over to offer solutions.
That’s not what the American people deserve and it’s not something we can afford any longer. 227 of my colleagues in the House of Representatives stood with me in supporting our bold alternative to President Obama’s vision for America of debt, doubt and decline. Many Republicans displayed incredible political courage to offer the American people a real choice of two futures.
I’m going to support those who have stood with us in this fight. I’m going to work with my allies and friends in the Senate to oust the failed Democratic leadership that hasn’t produced a budget in over 1,000 days.
We’re also going to get Barack Obama out of the White House in November.
We CANNOT afford four more years of his speeches, empty proposals, and failed leadership."
It is so obvious and transparent that Obama has no solutions to any issues that are important to Americans.
All he can do is lie, vilify, attack, use derogatory statements, distract, condemn, and play the race card at every turn.
Americans are familiar with this childish and totally nonsensical attitude, not becoming the President of the United States.
He really needs to go!!
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